Chapter 23

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"So Max, how is your father?" Anne asked as her pale blue eyes skimmed the pages of the menu. Her perfectly manicured fingers tapping the table in a steady beat as everybody searched for something to eat.

"He's been very good. Very busy also. I never see him anymore, he's always working." I replied tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. My eyes left from the blue-gold menu to Anne noticing how she leaned into Brad, their entwined fingers resting on the table as they seemed deep in thought. The tension has yet to leave, making the atmosphere uncomfortable. Blake's body shook as he impatiently bounced his leg up and down. I had to hold myself back from resting my hand on his leg in hope of relaxing. Just as I was about to, what was said yesterday flashed in my mind making me recoil back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his face drop at my reaction as he glared at his menu.

"Man, honey, do you know what you'd like to eat?" Anne asked, her motherly tone caused my eyes to snap up to hers, seeing a soft encouraging smile on her face.

"Uh, of course." I replied turning to the waitress. Her blond hair reach past her shoulder, her eyes a light shade of brown. Her tanned skin was even more tanner in the pale blue polo and black mini shirt. Her long legs on show, her legs flexed in the heels she wore. Her face held a fake smile as she readied her pad, waiting for me to order. I motioned for her to lean in, whispering, "I'm on my own check." She nodded pulling back taking my order, then everybody elses. I watched as her eyes lingered on Blake, a spark striking in them as she looked at him hungrily. My stomach turned in jealousy as my eyes hardened. He kept his eyes on the menu, not turning to her, until he finished handing the menu to her. She slowly took it from his hands, making them touch, anger running through me. Blake gave an awkward smile as I cleared my throat.

"So Anne,-" I started changing the attention from the episode that was going on. My eyes were guarded as I plastered a fake smile taking a sip from the water I had ordered.


The night was full of laughs and jokes, the mood was lifted, but the tension was still there. My body ached to be with against Blake's. I was still upset about the argument, keeping me from throwing myself at him, no matter how deep the craving was.

Dylan sat on my lap as the waitress brought back the checks. She handed on to Brad, and the other to me. I quickly filled it out, grabbing my credit card.

"Max, what are you doing?" Brad asked his eyes trained on my fingers as I fiddled with the card. My eyes snapped from my daze, my face flushing in embarrassment.

"I'm paying for Dylan and I's meal?" I asked more then stated. The bewilder looks everyone gave me made me blush awkwardly.

"Max, honey, we were going to pay for you." Anne said softly. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Blake sigh, resting his face in his hands.

"Blake! Why is she paying for her own food? What kind of ma-boyfriend are you? I have raised you better then to let a lady pay for herself! And I know damn well you aren't broke so explain why you aren't paying for her! I can't believe this is who I raised! I taught you how to treat a lady and this is my pay back! Her paying for herself? Blake Carter Black I swear to the Moon Goddess-" Anne started glaring at Blake. My eyes widened as Brad placed a hand over Anne's mouth.

"Anne, we are in public." He muttered, her tense body relaxing slightly. I turned to Blake as the waitress came back. She took to the check and my card, along with Brad's before sending Blake a wink. My eyes glared at her as she sashayed away. I noticed Anne and Brad had been glaring at Blake as he sat there watching me. Gavin was playing with Dylan, poking his tummy making him giggle. I pulled him closer against me as we waited in an awkward silence for the check to come back.

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