Chapter 29

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I was a woken by an obnoxious knocking at the door. Rubbing my eyes, I lazily got up, stumbling to the door, tripping over my feet. When I finally made it to the door, the knocking was even louder making my head pound.

"Yes?" I answer opening the door still in a sleep daze. Blake stood there with his arms crossed across his chest his face hard as he glared at me.

"What do you- hey! Put me down!" I exclaimed when he threw me over his shoulder.

"You're coming home. You didn't come home last night like you promised, and I was up waiting for you and you never came!" Blake roared stomping off to his car.

"My dad needed me! Dammit Blake I'm not going back!" I said as he set me down, shoving me against the car.

"What the hell do you mean you're not coming back?" He growled his body against mine.

"First off, I'm not going back to a house where my boyfriend lives when the last 24 hours he's been an absolute dick to me, and you keep adding to it! You completely ignored me, you didn't kiss me, and worst of all you didn't hold my hand! And you stormed off the last time I saw you! You're being a moody girl on her period and I'm not dealing with you treating me like this when you ruined my day yesterday pouting! Second off, my dad needs me more than ever right now! He needs help. And I'm taking him to a psychologist because he needs it. And then he has an appointment with a psychiatrist. He needs me more than you do right now. So drive you're moody ass back home and come talk to me when you're level headed." I said pushing out of his arms, but he didn't move.

"You're hurting my wrist." I whined as my wrist ached between us. Blake moved backs creating space between us as he moved to tuck my hair behind my ear.

"No Blake. Just go home. My dad needs me. You're making this harder then it needs to be." I said moving out of his arms. I walked back into the house, shutting the door behind me. I sighed rubbing my eyes tiredly, look at the now spotless house. I stumbled to the kitchen, grabbing a mug, and filling it with coffee, drinking it as I grabbed some milk, filling a bottle I left for Dylan. I grabbed the last box of cereal from the empty cabinet, pouring the rest of it in a bowl, before I poured in the rest of the milk. I placed a spoon in the cereal, grabbing some Advil, and walking to dad's room.

"Dad?" I asked seeing his sleeping figure on the bed, his chest rising and falling. His eyes opened lazily, landing on me before he shut them again. I walked over to him, placing the cereal on the table and helping him sit up.

"Take some Advil, and eat your cereal. I need you to get ready for the day. I'm taking you somewhere." I said making him nod. His skin was pale, and his eyes were empty, staring right through me. With a sigh. I walked out of the room, going to mine, seeing Dylan sitting on the floor playing with his stuffed animal. I grabbed my phone off the night stand, turning it on, seeing all the messages from Blake. Ignoring them, I called Alex, sitting in the bed.

"Hey babe! Where are you? Blake's been freaking out all morning, throwing shit everywhere." He answered. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I fiddled with the sweater.

"I'm at dads. Can you pack Dylan's and my stuff? Dad needs me and I-I can't leave him in this state." I said my voice cracking.

"Of course babe. I'll be over with your bags, and I'll go shopping cause I know your dad hasn't." He said. I smiled weakly thanking him before hanging up. I sat on the bed, watching Dylan play with his toys before I handed him his milk.


"Okay dad, you heard the psychiatrist, you have to take these daily. And I made another appointment with the psychologist next week." I said driving home. Dylan sat in the back talking to himself as dad sat in the passengers seat with a blank look. I let out a painful sigh, driving home in silence.

After a long quiet drive back home, dad basically bolted out of the car. I stayed in there a few extra minutes, rubbing my eyes as I could basically feel tears perk up. My eyes landed on Dylan who smiled giggling to him self in the back. I couldn't bring myself to get out of the car, but I knew Alex would be here soon, and I needed to help him bring everything in.

With one final look at Dylan, I got out of the truck, going to his side and taking him out, setting him on the ground.

"Baby, we can't play outside now. You'll get sick. Come with mommy." I said putting my hand out for him to grab. His fingers wrapped around my index finger, as he followed me into the house, the cold air never leaving.

"Does he not know how to work the ac?" I asked with a shiver as I walked over turning the ac on high. Dylan sat in the living room pressing buttons in the remote.

"Here." I said taking the remote from him, and turning the tv on, clicking a random kid show. I took a fuzzy thick blanket from the closet, wrapping it around his small body, before I sat on the couch.

The door swung open as Alex and Jared walked in with groceries and my suitcases.

"Hey babe." Alex smiled setting the groceries in the kitchen.

"Hey." I reply watching the tv with Dylan. I felt the couch dip as he took a seat next to me, wrapping an arm around me.

"So you finally got him help?" He asked pulling me into his side. I nodded not able to speak as thoughts of last night came in my mind.

"They said he's basically long gone. They gave him anti depressants, and the psychologist has to see him weekly." I said my voice low.

"How'd you manage to drag him there?" He asked.

"He tried to kill himself last night." I said staring at the tv, trying to prevent myself from crying. Alex went silent. He lifted me up, placing me on his lap, but I shoved him away.

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna stay here. He needs me. He won't take those pills by himself. He won't go to the psychologist by himself. And I'm afraid he is going to try again." I said my eyes finally leaving the tv to Alex. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he sat there staring at him.

"I just- I believe if maybe, Dylan and I are here, helping him out, maybe- just maybe- he'll be happy again. But only time will tell." I said wiping his tears.

"I heard you and Blake got in an argument." He said. I felt myself close up, turning away.

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell Blake. And I'll need your help taking care of dad." I said. Alex nodded vigorously wiping his tears.

"Jared and I will gladly help. But, you should figure things out with-"

"I don't want to think about him right now. I just want space from him." I cut him off. Alex nodded leaning back on the couch. I stood up, grabbing the suitcase from the floor.

"How long so you think you'll be here?" He asked. I shrugged walking to my bed room, and setting the suitcase in there. I went to Dylan's room, looking at the crib.

"Jared! Alex! I need you're help!" I yelled. I heard their thumps as they ran over to me.

"Can you drag that and that into my room. I'll grab a blow up mattress for you two when you want to spend the night." I pointed at the crib and changing table before turning around and walking to dad's room to check on him. He laid on his bed, passed out, his chest rising and falling.

A/n this chapter is incredibly short because the last chapter was incredibly long.

Also check out my other books!
His 'Perfect' Kitten
She's feisty- definitely check this one out please! I just started it and I really would like to know if you guys like it!
Keep leaving comments and feedback! I really hope you all like where this is going!!!

Also still in need of an editor desperately! If you are interested please message me. If you have messaged me before, message again because a lot of the time I don't get your messages.

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