Chapter 35

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"Maxy wake up baby." Blake cooed placing kisses on my neck. I hummed feeling the familiar sparks and relaxing into the bed. Blake was laying on me, his arms holding him up so he didn't put all his weight on me, as he showered me with kisses. A smile tugged at my lips as he worked his way up to my lips. He pulled away and began getting off causing me to whine in protest.

"Come back" I whined opening my eyes. Blake chuckled rolling over and hovering over me.

"Today's more of a relaxing day. We have plans later. But I just wanted to see my beautiful baby awake. I made breakfast." He cooed pushing my hair back. I hummed smiling, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down against me. I placed a kiss on his cheek, the corner of his mouth, then his lips. I moaned as his hand worked it's way down to my stomach, pulling up my shirt to expose the skin. He passionate moved his mouth against mine, as my fingers tugged at his thick locks pulling him closer to me, the space between us is too much. He groaned when my hips rocked against his pulling back to protest.

"Ma-" he began, but I took this to my advantage and pushed him over on the bed, straddling his waist. I hungrily attacked his lips, cupping his face in my hands, my nails lightly scraping his skin. His beard tickled my skin as his hands moved from my shoulders and slipping into my shirt. His finger ups pressed into my back urging me to come closer, my breast pressed against his chest. He groaned against my lips, as his hands explored my body. I moaned feeling the trail of sparks on my skin as gently cupped my breast.

"Jesus fuck." He groaned as I rocked my hips against him. I moaned feeling exhilarated, our kiss getting violent. He slipped his hands down to my pants, ripping them off leaving me in my thong and nightshirt. My hands worked their way down his chest, reaching his belt. Before I could do anything, he flipped me over and ripped off my shirt exposing my chest. His once blue were now clouded with lust as he took in the image.

"God, you're so beautiful." He groaned before dipping his head and assaulting my neck. He sucked at the skin, placing kisses, and dragging his tongue around. My fingers dug into his biceps as they massaged my breast.

"Blake-"I moaned the amount of pleasure I felt becoming overwhelming. He moved his head down kissing my breast tenderly, before taking in a nipple. He sucked making me arch my back, the burn for his touch growing as his hands moved lower. Moans and groans left my lips as he sucked my skin, no doubt leaving a hickey. He had one hand holding my hips down while the other playfully teased me through the thin fabric of my panties. His lips gradually lowered working on my stomach

"Oh fuck." I groaned as Blake kissed the fabric of my panties. My body was fired up, and my heart pounded as he slowly hooked his fingers around the fabric.

"Baby girl you are drenched." He moaned before jutting his tongue out and licking my flaps. My stomach clenched with need as my body shivered from the pleasure. My fingers knotted in his hair pulling him against me, as my thigh closed. Blake sucked softly at first, but then grew violent with need. His hands gripped my thighs pulling them back as my body heated up with desired his tongue explored me causing loud obnoxious moans from my lips. A thin layer of sweat covered my body as I panted through Blake's slow assault.

"Fast-"I began to beg, which clearly was enough as Blake aggressively sucked on me. My back arched up, my hands tugging his hair roughly. He growled sending a vibration through me that sent me high. I felt his lips leave, a protest starting to come up until he inserted his finger.

"Oh fuck Blake." I managed my body shaking. He pumped his finger in and out slowly at first but began to quicken his pace when I started to move my hips to meet his hand. He added another finger making me wince in pain, a small whimper escaping my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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