Chapter 24

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I stretched my arm across the bed, moving it around in attempt to find Blake. My hand was only met with the sick sheets, making me pout in disappointment. I sat up groggily, sleep still evident as I wrapped the blanket around my cold figure, leaving the comfort of his warm bed to walk out of the room. My feet padded against the cold tile floor as I walked through the dark house in attempt to find him. There was a light coming from one of the rooms, catching my attention.

I walked up to the room, slowly wrapping my fingers around the cold steel knob. I pressed my ear against the cold wood door, hearing the aggressive typing and flipping of papers. I turned the knob quietly, opening the door. Blake sat behind a big desk, typing away at his computer as he skimmed pages. His eyes snapped up to me, his stressed expression relaxing as he stared at me with his big blue eyes. I lazily walked over to him, the harsh light hurting my eyes as he watched my every step.

"Why are you up baby girl?" He asked moving his chair back to face me. I crawled into his lap as he opened his arms welcoming me.

"I woke up, and you weren't there." I muttered with a pout. My eyes looked into his before I brought up my hands to rub my eyes, trying to rid the exhaustion I felt. Blake pulled me into his naked chest, rubbing my scalp with his fingers. I let out a sigh in content, as he rested his cheek on my head.

"I'm sorry baby girl. Go back to sleep. I'll carry you to the bed when I'm done." He said, placing a few kisses on my head. I nodded tiredly, yawning in the process, as he moved his chair against the desk.

"Blake?" I asked moving my head from his chest. We were currently on his bed watching a tv show. His fingers played with my hair as my head rested under his chin. His arms wrapped loosely around me, as my hand rested on his naked chest, my legs tangled with his.

"Yes, baby girl?" I tilted my head up to meet Blake's beautiful eyes, as they were already peering down at me.

"Are you going to tell me what happened last night?" I asked still shaken up about it. He stiffened up looking back at the screen.

"Nothing happened. Don't worry about it baby girl." He said, his voice sounding guarded.

"I have a right to know what happened Blake." I said moving from his lap and looking at him sternly.

"It's nothing. I took care of it, and it won't happen again." He grumbled.

"Fine." I said knowing he wouldn't tell me anything else. "Can we go out or something?" I asked moving to get up only for Blake to wrap an arm around my waist and pull me onto him.

"No." He said quickly pulling me closer to him. My hands were resting on his naked chest, while my legs were straddling his lower stomach. One of his hands were resting on my waist while the other gripped the back of my bare thigh, sparks lighting up. The long sleeve shirt of his I had on not covering much skin although a few seconds ago I was drowning in it. My breath hitched at the proximity and my heart beat quickens.

"Why not?" I breathe. My eyes were trained on his plump pink lips, my thoughts vanishing.

"Because we are having a movie night. Here. Alone." He whispers out resting his forehead against mine. I close my eyes in anticipation, waiting for him to lean in more. As if reading my thoughts, Blake leans in smashing his lips softly into mine. One of his hands left my waist to cup my cheek, while mine were tangled in his hair tugging softly. I pulled back breathing heavily as Blake left soft kisses from the corner of my mouth to the curve of my neck. I pulled back hearing my phone go off on the nightstand.

"Let it ring." Blake grumbled against my skin causing shivers to go down my body. I nodded bringing his face back up to mine, placing his lips on mine. By the fifth ring, I groaned rolling off Blake to answer the phone.

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