Chapter 19

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Blake pulled up to a big restaurant, parking in front.

"Come on baby girl." He said climbing out of the car. I slowly got out, my clutch in hand. The cold Washington air attacked my exposed legs, a shiver running through my body. Blake came to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me into him. His body was radiating off heat as he led me to the entrance of the elegant restaurant.

"Last name?" A feminine voice asked once we walked in.

"Black." Blake grumbled out. His grip around me was tight, refusing to let me take a step away from him, not that I wanted to. My heart was already skipping a beat at the proximity and the sparks I felt on my skin through his thin silk button down.

"Right this way." The lady said grabbing two menus, before leading the way to  the table. I looked around the expensive restaurant, noticing how beautiful it was. The brown/ gold walls were high, and in the middle was a big crystal chandelier. There were multiple tables scattered around, red table cloth draped over them. There was a dance floor that was currently occupied with quiet a few couples.

"Here is your table. Your server will be right with you." They lady said before walking off. Blake pulled out the black leather seat for me, and I cautiously sat down in it.

"It's so expensive." I said glancing at the menu.

"I'm ordering for us." He said taking the menu out of my hand before I could protest. I pouted slightly, turning my gaze back to the restaurant.

"It's so pretty here." I muttered looking around. I crossed my left leg over my right, leaning back in my chair. My eyes drifted to Blake watching as his blue eyes scanned the menu. His thick black eye brows were scrunched up slightly, as he focused on the menu before him. His sharp jaw was prominent since he shaved, making it hard for me to resist myself from running my fingers over the smooth skin. Even in the button down, you could see the outline of his muscles that flexed at the slightest move.

When a small frown pulled at his lips, I reached my hand over, grabbing his in mine. His blue eyes snapped to my hazel ones as I just rubbed the pad of my thumb over his knuckles.

"Hello, I'm you're server Xavier, what can I get you two?" A dark man asked standing with a note pad in hand. He wore a tux, except without the jacket. His dark brown eyes were soft as he held a small smile. I pulled my hand away, turning my attention to the music.

Once the waiter walked away, I heard the sound of a  chair moving against the tile, and a hand being placed on my thigh. I turned to see Blake focusing on his hand on my thigh. I felt goose bumps rise up as he rubbed his rough palm on my naked skin.

"So baby girl, how was your day?" He asked his blue eyes snapping up to mine.

"It was fine. A bit boring. How was yours?" I asked intertwining my fingers with his. He smiled softly at the action, keeping our hands in my lap.

"I'd prefer to have spent it with you." He said leaning over and kissing my cheek. He placed his head on my shoulder as I rubbed his knuckles.

"Did I ever tell you the time I got kicked out of Walmart?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"No, you never mentioned getting kicked out of somewhere."

"Well, it was  back in high school, Alex and I were shopping for food because we were having a sleep over, and we got in an argument about the milk. I wanted chocolate, Alex wanted regular. I grabbed the chocolate milk gallon, ready to go pay for it, when Alex tackled me from behind. I fell, the milk fell out of my grip, breaking open just as security walked by. He tripped and accused me of tripping him. Alex and I quickly stood up and ran like bats out of hell. We ended leaving the grocery store, because of a dumb fight, with no food. The next day, Alex went to get something, and called me saying that they wouldn't let him in because the security guard got us kicked out." I smiled at the memory. We smelt like chocolate milk until we got home.

"Your food is done." The waiter said setting down our food. Pasta with red sauce was placed in front of me, while steak was placed in front of Blake. Our waters were on the table, and I gave him a grateful smile. He smiled back before walking away. I took my hand out of Blake's as he retracted his hand to eat. I grabbed a fork, twirling it in the pasta, then taking it to my lips.

"Mmmm." I moaned at the taste.


"Would you like to have this dance?" Blake asked once I sobered up from laughing. We had spent half an hour or so, telling random stories, all of them ending up in me laughing really hard.

"I can't dance." I pouted at his out stretched hand.

"It didn't seem like that earlier." A mischief grin growing on his face. I sighed in defeat, my face flushing in embarrassment. Cautiously, my hand was placed in his larger one, Blake wasting no time to pull me up, and lead time to the dance floor.

"Put your hands here." He said grabbing my wrists, and placing them behind his neck. My body was against his as his arms wrapped around me, his hands gripping my waist softly. His warm body heat wrapped around me as I rested my head on his shoulder, our bodies swaying to the music.

His cheek rested on my head as he let out a deep breath. My heart pounded in my chest. I could feel his hot skin through the thin silk button down.

Blake raised a hand from my waist, running it through my hair. My body melted in his arms at the relaxing move.

"I'm so happy I met you." Blake muttered in my hair. A smile tugged at my lips as I closed my eyes, my focus on his heart beat that was just as fast as mine.

"I can agree 100%."

A/n edited

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