Chapter 8 (Emabarrassment)

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 Chapter 8

The girls and I spent all of form talking to Elle and getting to know her. She was such a sweet girl! She moved here from Manchester because there are much more opportunities for school in London. She told us once she graduated she wanted to go to medical school. Personally, I can’t stand blood or bones or even hospitals! They freak me out... But I was very impressed none-the-less.

Angel told me this morning that she loved him but she was always one to exagerate things to prove a point. During our class just before lunch, which also happens to be the only class we are all together without the boys, we talked non-stop about their relationship! When Mr. Connors, our math teacher, asked Nadia to answer a question that she hadn’t been paying attention to, she just randomly shouted out “999!”

The answer was 2x – 12y + 8. The whole class started laughing since she's the GEEK and she looked as bright as a tomatoe! Or me when I’m sunburnt... After that Mr. Connors just left us to oursleves to talk about our love-lives!

Angel explained that she really really liked Liam but she wasn’t quite sure if she exactly loved him yet. Which I can totally understand. I mean, they only got together yesterday and they aren’t even officially dating yet.

“So Nadia, anything happen with Zayn last night?” I asked. Her flushed cheeks and how she took a very sudden interest in her hands told us everything we needed to know.

“Oh my gosh what happened?!”

“Are you dating?!”

“Did you kiss?!”

“Did you do it?!”

At that point we all looked to Jen with a mix of humor and disbelief on our faces. She really was perfect for Harry. Nadia just looked pure mortified and confused as to how we knew they were sharing a room.

“We saw you get off the couch and slip into his room last night when you thought everyone was asleep. Not as sly as you thought, Nadia,” I joked as I answered her un-spoken question.

“”Oh. I thought I was quiet and everyone was asleep,” she explained. Still blushing like crazy and wringing her hands together, a habit of hers when she was nervous or embarrassed. “And, to answer your question Jena, no we did not do it. And we didn’t kiss or start dating or anything.

"Nothing happened,” she said as she looked at each girl as she answered their question about last nights pending events in Zayn’s bedroom.

“But, I do really like him though,” she added in a quiet voice. Almost as if she didn’t expect or want anyone to hear her. But the excited squeals  of the girls as they gushed about how cute they were showed that didn’t really work out.

“Chloe, are you okay? You’ve been really quiet all class. Is something bothering you?” Elle asked, her voice full of concern. I looked up from the copybook I was absentmindedly doodling in to see 4 worried faces staring back at me, Nadia’s previous emnarrassments momentarily forgotten.

“Of course! I’m just tired is all,” I explained, not exactly telling the truth. I was tired, but that was because I had stayed up all night thinking.

“Are you sure that’s it? You know you can tell us if somethings bothering you, right?” Angel added.

“I’m sure” lies.

“I just didn’t get much sleep” partly lies.

“I’ve just been stressed about school and stuff” more lies.

“Okay then. If you say so.” And just like that, it was dropped. But I could tell by the sceptical looks on their faces that they didn’t believe I was really okay. And the truth is, I wasn’t.

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