Chapter 9 (It's fair now)

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Chapter 9

"Hi I'm Elle, short for Eleni" Elle introduced herself to the boys.

"Hey Els" The five boys replied in unison.

"YAY! Finally there's an equal amount of guys and girls so you lot can't moan about the game not being fair when we win" Louis announced while pointing his finger at us.

"You only win because we let you win" replied Nadia is a serious, sharp tone.

"Babe, course you do" Zayn laughed and winked at her.

We all had our lunch, well... all apart me. I didn't feel like eating and I need to lose weight even though no-one agrees with me. I kept pretending I was chewing even though there was blatenly no food infront of me but it worked since none of them realised I hadn't eaten.


After lunch I had a free period and so did Nadia, Angel and Jena but they were too busy enjoying themselves to even remember that so wandered off.

I walked around the whole school thinking of what to do until I remembered I needed to check my e-mails.

As I walked into the library I found an empty seat and sat on it while logging onto the computer then signing into my MSN. All of a sudden a small notice came up on the bottom left hand side of the screen and I clicked on it to see what it was.

It was an e-mail from someone so I relaxed and read:


Subject: Finally meeting up.

From: Unknown

Hi Chlo! How's school been? Life? Friends?

Luckily I'm free this Saturday do you want to meet up?

If you can meet me at the Nando's in Westfield at 6pm. You'll know it's me because I'll be sitting on the only table for two by the window and as soon as you come in I'm going to bend my head down. Niall's friend Louis will take you there, wear something casual and pretty, like you always used to and don't be late.

P.S. if you can't make it, tell Niall and he will pass the message to me since I only check my mail once a week.

Can't wait to see you after all these years!! <3

-Your childhood best friend...



My smile grew wider and wider as I read through the message. All my problems and worries disappeared as I thought of Saturday and meeting someone who once meant the world to me. I honestly could not wait to tell the girlies!

I shut down the computer as fast as possible and got my phone out and texted to our group "GIRLS I'VE GOT IMPORTANT NEWS TO TELL YOU." Then I remembered Elle wasn't in our Whatsapp group and now she was practically one of us so I added her in the group called 'NO BOYS ALLOWED'.


Niall's POV:

Angel, Jena, Nadia and Chloe had a free period but Chloe had somehow disappeared ... probably to the library knowing the book worm she is, so I took this chance to tell the whole gang about my plan. Also I made Elle, Zayn, Louis, Harry and Liam bunk Chemistry with me and believe me when I say it took a long while to persuade Liam.

We sat in a circle at the back of the school building on the green grass where nobody could see us and I started...

"Look guys AND GIRLS... you all know about how Chloe used to live in Ireland and had a bestfriend that she completely forgot about due to her loosing her memory just before she left in a very serious car accident. I promised her that I would get in touch with her long lost best friend since we all lived in the same area back in Ireland but what she doesn't know is that the person she is dying to meet, the guy who 11 years ago called him her 'best friend'... is actually ...."


"So on Saturday she's supposed to be meeting him at Nandos (obviously! Where else?) and you all have to pretend you know nothing about this when she tells you about it. So on Saturday morning I will leave the girls' apartment pretending I'm going on a date and I have to get everything ready while you guys make sure Chloe gets ready and Louis will take her to Nandos at 6pm. Angel, Nadia, Jena, and Elle make sure she looks beautiful and make sure she doesn't hide her perfect shape and body. Also don't let her wear make-up apart from lip gloss."

I finished happily. Louis gave me a weird look, got up at gave me another look meaning to get up too and follow him so we can talk? Seriously

I don't understand his problem, he knew I really liked Chloe so why did he sit next to her at lunch when everyone else was sitting to next to who they liked. I became really annoyed as I approached Louis.

"out off me Harry, Liam and Zayn you chose ME to take Chloe to Nandos?? And you want me to back off too?" Louis questioned me in an also annoyed tone.

"well Liam would be with Angel , Harry with Jena, Zayn with Nadia and I can't take her so I thought of you"

Authors note:

i hope you liked this chapter!!! and the next chapter is already planned and in my head its gona be pretty good! vote & comment please x


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