Imagine Meeting Lestat

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Tһıs ıs ѧ pяєզuєʟ ғяom mʏ ʟѧsţ ımѧɢıňє . һopє ʏou ɢuʏs єňjoʏ ıţ.

You we're sitting on a bar, drinking your pain away. You recently found out your boyfriend was cheating on you. You were going to his house when you found him in bed with another girl. Furiously, you ran out of his house and went to a bar. You drank 3 shots and was gonna drink your fourth one until you caught someone staring at you.

He was sitting at a seat across the bar. The man has long blonde hair tied in a ponytail and has blue eyes that remind you of the sky. He got up and sit next to you. He was a really handsome man. More handsomer than your cheating ex boyfriend. "What's the matter ma chere. You look very sad." He said with a French accent.

You blush at the word dear, almost forgetting your broken heart. But then he asked you why you were sad. You we're thinking about lying to him, but you just met this guy you didnt want to lie to him. Finally after thirty seconds of silence you decided to tell him the truth.

"I recently caught my ex boyfriend in bed with another woman." You said.
He looked shocked and sad when you told him. "Now why on earth would he betray a very beautiful woman like yourself." He said. You smile at his words. He took out his hand and introduced himself. "My name is Lestat." You were about to shake his hand and introduce yourself when you heard someone shout your name "(Y/N)"!!!!!!!!. It was your ex Jason.

You got up and apologized to Lestat for leaving early. You were about to pass your ex when he roughly put his hand in your upper arm."We need to talk." He said roughly. You snap at him, "Let go of me. Were threw and I don't want to speakbto you." You tried to get out of his grasp, but his grip only thightens. "We're threw when I say we're threw." He spat. Then he kissed you by force. You pushed him off of you and slapped him across the face. He looked at you furiously and yelled "STUPID BITCH!!!!!". He was about to hit you until someone got in the middle of the two of you . It was Lestat.

"That's no way to treat a lady." He said. Your ex scoffed, "Mind your own business". He was about to punch Lestat until Lestat got his arm and twisted it around his back. Your boyfriend cried in pain and Lestat furiously said, "I can easily break your arm if you don't leave this young woman alone. Do you get the picture?." Your ex nodded and Lestat let go of him. Your ex ran scared out of the bar.

You look back at Lestat and smile " Thank you." He smiled and said " Your welcome ma chere" You blush and you two went to your seats at the bar. When it was time for you to leave you and Lestat said your goodbyes and you went back to your apartment.

What you didn't know is that Lestat follow you to your apartment.He watched you outside your apartment window. He wanted to make sure your ex didn't follow you to hurt you. You were the first human he didn't want to kill,but protect. He will kill anybody that wants to harm you. He hoped that you and would cross paths more often☺.

I hope you guys like it and thank u AnnieK400 for requesting me this imagine and if any of you guys have any other requests for Louis or Lestat Imagines let me know and I'll thank u for that imagine.

Sorry for any mistakes and sorry for taking a long time, hopefully I update sooner or later.

Adios- Kelly ☺

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