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Chapter 1—

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Chapter 1

"He's so hot." Eren sighs happily, leaning on his hand in awe of seeing the back Levi Ackerman's head, his eyes sparkling as he watches Levi chuckles slightly at something that Erwin had probably said.

It was a rare occasion you'd see Levi smile and Eren admired the moment. He wished he could be the one who could make Levi happy.

"Eren you're drooling." Armin states snapping Eren out of his daze, as he lifts one of his fingers to remove the saliva from Eren's lip.

Eren frowns as he swats Armin's arm away, "I already get babied enough by Mikasa, I don't need you to sta-"

His head shot up as no other than Levi taps his fingers on Eren's desk. "Why are you constantly staring at me?"

Levi's eyebrow raised slightly as Eren's face turns completely red. Eren stutters as he'd realised he had been caught out and desperately tried to think of an excuse.

He looked over at his blue eyed friend for help but Armin just gave him a look that read 'you're on your own on this one.'

"Well?" Levi says crossing his arms as he studies Eren's terrified expression.

Eren manages to break out of his shock as he stutters, "Y-You're... Really adorable to look at. Wait... I mean your ass looks really good in your jeans." Eren paused for a moment until his brain screamed at him about what had just floated out of his mouth. "Wait! I didn't mean that! Well I did I just didn't mean to say it out loud..."

Armin snorts as he listens to his friend's excuse. This wasn't the first time an occurrence like this had happened.

Unfortunately for Eren the class had been listening in to their conversation and were all giggling amongst themselves. This wasn't unusual, it was only natural for humans to be nosy and listen in as class drama is something to discuss.

Whispers could be heard as the faint giggling added to the heavy feeling of embarrassment that hung in the the air of the art classroom.

Eren turned the colour of the red paint he was using, he tried to ignore what the classes giggles as he dared not to make eye contact with the scowling Levi.

"What an actual creep." Levi says rolling his eyes as he turned back around to return next to Erwin who was also adding to the laughter in the room.

Eren felt tears sting in the corners of his eyes as he realise that he'd just embarrassed himself not only in front of his crush but in front of the whole class as well.

Eren groans hiding his face in his hands "Armin... Tell me that didn't just happen."

"It happened."

Eren groans once again as he punches his best friend's arm.

"Ow?" Armin scoffs, "You already proved your point you didn't have to hit me too."

"Why didn't you help me? I was struggling and you didn't even try to sort the situation!" Eren sighs leaning into Armin.

"It's not my fault you're in love," Armin teases earning another groan from the other boy, "lighten up! What was I supposed to say?! Oh yeah sorry Levi, Eren was just drooling over you like he does everyday." Armin rolls his eyes imitating Eren as he swirls his brush round in the paint before he dabs it onto his work.

"Ugh you know what I mean." Eren says as he picks up a pencil in an attempt to at least try and get something done that period.

"— And then he complimented Levi's ass."

Eren groans to himself. Talk about having great friends.

"Are you serious? I can't believe I made the fatal decision of bunking that lesson." Ymir sighs draping an arm across Armin's shoulders. "At least he had the guts to confess to his crush, I can't even tell Krista she's cute without blushing."

"Can you stop talking about your crush on my sister when i'm sat right next to you, it's gross." Armin huffs while Ymir barks in laughter next to him. "It doesn't matter anymore though Eren no one will remember by tomorrow."

Jean smirks across the table from them, "Haven't you checked Twitter Armin?"

Eren felt the colour drain from his face, "T-Twitt-"

"Oh fuck off Jean, Eren he's just trying to get into your head." Mikasa spat, twirling her fork around in her pasta.

"Eren! Let's go to your favorite burger place after school! That will cheer you up!" Sasha piped up from the edge of the table swiping her bangs out of her eyes, it didn't occur to Eren that it might've been for her own benefit.

"Yeah! I've been wanting to try their new burger for age—"

"Sorry Sash, Eren has to study for the history test with me and Mikasa after school." Armin apologised, a light smile upon his face.

Sasha just dismissed it with a smile, "It's cool I'll go alone."

"I'll go with you!" Connie exclaimed and everyone watched Sasha's eyes light up.


Well, Eren thought, at least one of us has a date.

"Even his hairline is fucking perfect Mikasa! His hairline." Eren exclaimed in the middle of the library earning a shush and a stern look from the librarian.

Mikasa simply hummed, clearly not paying attention, as her cherry red nails tapped away at her laptop.

Eren slumped back into his chair, "Armin—"

"I'm not interested."

"I love my friends." Eren scowled fiddling with his pencil.

"Eren, we should go home." Mikasa softly spoke careful not to disturb the other students, "Dinner will be ready in an hour."

Eren acknowledged what his sister said and started throwing his school supplies into his bag. "Armin are you coming?"

"One second," Armin whispered saving his work and shutting off his laptop, "Okay, I'm ready."

The trio left the library together and were about to go their seperate ways before— "Armin wait a second!"


"I have a plan and it involves you..."

the fake boyfriend experience [eremin | shingeki no kyojin]Where stories live. Discover now