well hello there

43 1 0

Hey wassup im jayla i have 3 sisters lacy,jaleah,and laylay a brother and my bf jamaine

Jamaine is real tall brownskinned and 6 pack

Jayla pov

"Hey bae" i said to jamaine peckin his lips

"Wassup"he said

"Im going to tha mall"

"K be safe"

I ran up stairs and put on my emoji joggers and black croptop

And spizikes

I called lacy


J: bitch you ready

L:yea hoe

J:k bye ✌


I left the house and knocked at lacy door she anwsered a second later

J:come on

I got back in my escalade

Skip ride

We arrived at the mall and i could feel somebody staring at me

Two fine niggas walked up all 'cool'

"Aaye whats up ma"one said to me

The other guy walked to lacy

J:"Hi" i said back

A:"Im august alsina"

J:"Ok big fan i sing too im jayla but they call me jay"

A:"Ok you got someone"

J:"Yea but we can be friends"

A:"Ok can i get ya digits ma"


We switched numbers and walked off

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