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We started walking until we reached a restaurant. We sat down near a large window as to enjoy the view and a blonde waitress approached us.

W: Welcome to Tony's what would you like to order?

While I was looking through the menu, I could see Martin and the waitress eyeing each other. I could feel my face getting redder by the minute. Why am I getting angry? I won't let him get in my head and I will not become one of those jealous girls. I suddenly look up and I see a new waiter.

M: We will both take the number 2 with large cokes, thanks.

N: What happened to the waitress?

M: Well while you were planning a way to commit murder, the waitress was saying how lucky I was to have a beautiful girlfriend and how her BOYFRIEND was coming home in a few days.

N: Oh... Well I wasn't really planning murder.

M: Yeah, of course you weren't.

I was so embarrassed! I looked down and a huge part of my hair thankfully covered my now red face. Martin removes my hair out of the way and grabs my hand in his.

M: So tell me a bit about you.

N: Well what do you want to know?

M: Favorite color?

N: That is such a personal question! How dare you?

M: C'mon I want to learn more about you.

N: Okay, okay! So my favorite color is anything pastel, I love pizza, I can't live without music, Marvel is life and I started to make music when I was 15. What about you?

M: My favorite color is black, I love pizza, I can't live without music, I have no idea what Marvel is and I started to make music when I was 12.


M: Well sorry for being an uncultured piece of shit!

N: Forgiven.

We finished dinner and now we were heading to Martin's house to binge watch a bunch of Marvel movies. I started to contemplate whether I should stop at home and grab something more comfortable, but Martin kept telling me he will lend me some of his clothes.

We arrive at his house and we head up to his room. We enter Martin's room and I awkwardly stand in the doorway, smiling like an idiot remembering the first time we worked on music together.

M: What are you smiling about?

N: Nothing...

With a huge smirk he threw me his sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

N: Where's the bathroom?

M: We don't have one.

N: Haha, you're not funny.

M: You should see your face!

I grabbed one of the cushions that was on the floor and threw it at him.


I sprinted down the hallway and thankfully I entered in what looked like a VERY expensive bathroom. I locked the door, took off my clothes and wore Martin's. I slowly tip toed down the stairs and as I turn to my right a feel a pair of hands around my waist.

M: Now, you in my clothes is a HUGE turn on.

N: *Flirty voice* I could go change...

He rapidly threw me over his shoulders and took me to the living room. Before he tossed me on the huge sofa he slapped my butt. I wanted to get back to him so before he let me go I wrap my legs around his waist and I somehow managed to spin him and pin him on the floor. We were both laughing hysterically!

M: I change my mind, THIS is a turn on!

I lean down and swiftly peck him on the lips. He obviously wasn't satisfied and so he grabs my head and crashes my lips with his. The kiss suddenly got really steamy. His hands moved up and down my body and finally rested on my waist. My hands find their way into his hair and I slowly started to tug on it. In a swift motion Martin manages to put us in a sitting position and we kept making out for at least half an hour until we both parted and kept staring into each other's eyes for what felt like forever.

M: So what's a Marvel?

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