Will everything just go away?!

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~1 week later~

  ~Ally's POV~

    My alarm clock wen't off in my room and I sprung up out of my bed and I screamed but then remembered the alarm clock. My mom bought it for me Sunday because ever since Harry left I never got up out of the bed. I had quit school that week and barley. My mom said she was worried sick about.

    When I realised it was my clock I slammed on the button and turned it off. My mom came running up the stairs and into my room and when she saw my face and realised why I screamed she started laughing like crazy. I rolled my eyes at my mom and got up to get ready for school. My mom gave me a hug and I still felt lonely.

    "Honey Im glad your finally getting out of bed. Its your second day day to school since last week!" My mom said acting like I've never been to school before. I rolled my eyes again and went to take a shower. I turned on some music and got in when it got to a one direction song I vried missing Harry and the boys.

   ~Harry's POV~

     When I woke up Louis was face to face with me. I was startled at first then I let out a sigh of relief. Louis laughed but I rolled my eyes at him. Louis got up and went to the door of his and my hotel room.

    "Harry is up lads! He's fine!" Louis yelled and up came four boys happy. I had been in the bed since we got here yesterday. I was too depressed to get up. I got up some but not a lot. I was worried that Ally was doing the same and I didn't want that at all. I sat up and Niall came over to me and looked at me.

    "Hey lad you ok?" Niall asked worried. I nodded and got up and went into the closet to change. It felt weird to walk,I haven't walked since yesterday at noon. When I out Liam was standing there worried more than everyone. He cared about us if something was wrong. I looked at Liam and put my hand on shoulder and he looked at me.

     "Liam I'm fine I promise bud." I said weakly smiling at him. He nodded and everyone left going downstairs. The concert was held back for tonight because of how depressed I was last night. I actually think I went to sleep at like 3:00 yesterday. I went into the bathroom and then looked at the mirror. I saw my sad face and remembered Ally's face when I left. Right there I cried a little quickly gaining control of my emotions again. It was true I wasen't ready to face the world again without Ally by my side.

   ~Ally's POV~

     When I got downstairs I picked up my phone from from where it was sitting on the coffee table. It was week ago. I looked at all my at all my meassages I had like 20 them. Some from my friends from school,some from Harry's mom,she obviously cared about me to,and some Niall,Louis,Liam,and Zayn. I quickly wen't to the ones from boys.


     Hey Ally! It's Niall just want to know how your doing. Harry's not well he's on the jet right now in his and Louis room in the bed. Please tell me your ok too?


      Ally are you ok? Niall said you wouldn't answer him back. Please don't tell me your in the same postion as Harry. If you dont answer mw then I know you are. We are almost in California though.


     Hey Ally!! We got here safely! And my Har bear is not well. He misses you. We all miss you and we're all worried sick about you. You won't answer our texts but I know you'll answer mine because Im awsome!!!


      Ally?.....guess not then....


       Hey Ally...I know you wont answer but we are worried sick about you and Harry. Our concert was canceled for tonight and its tomorrow night instead. Maybe Har will be better by then.

    I laughed when I read Louis and my mom smiled when she saw me laugh. The boys were worried about me. I got worried when I read the ones about Harry and how he was in bed all the time. But then again so was I. I texted Liam back becaus I knew he would answer me back. He worried about me alot because I was his girl friend and we were all really close to each other. I texted this to Liam:

   Hey Li! Im better now I first got out of bed since last week yesterday. I quit school last week and didn't eat much either. My mom bought me an alarm clock so that way I would get up. Im starting school back up this week so I better get going cant be late. Byeeeeee Liam!!

    I sent it to Liam and kissed my mom goodbye and left for the bus.

    ~Liams POV~

      Me and Zayn, Niall, and Louis sat downstairs in the living room waiting for Harry to come down. I sat on the couch watching TV when my phone buzzed. I looked down and saw it was from Ally! I jumped up off the couch and everyone stared at me with confused faces. I looked at them happily.

"It's from Ally!!! She's ok again!" I exclaimed. As I read it my smile faded from happy to a frown and a worried expression. After I read it I slowly looked up at the boys with a worried face. They all were staring at me with worried expressions too.

"Liam what happened?" Zayn asked worried like everyone else. I stood there running everything through my head. They got inpatient and stood up and walked over to me.

"Liam what's wrong?" Louis asked getting alittle angry. I finally snapped back to reality and answered them.

"It's Ally s-she did the same as Harry except se barely ate anything and didn't go to school last week." I said looking at the boys. They all stared at me and Niall put his face in his hands and sat down slowly. Just then Harry came downstairs and when I saw him the boys saw my face they turned around and Harry was completely worried.

"What's wrong with Ally?" Harry said worriedly.


So yea left you with that! I'll update later I have a friend coming over later she might help me with the next chapter. What did you think Harry will do wen he finds out about Ally? Will he go back to Ally or will he worry himself to death? You have to wait!

The Voices in My Head:A sequel to My Secrect Boyfriend (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now