On our way to America

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~Ally's POV~

   When it was two days later and I felt better and got all, or most, of my homework done and turned in to mom, we left for the airport with Tom. While at the airport my mom and Tom wen't to check for the plane and stuff while I stayed at a bench and waited. A girl came running up to me with her friend and they saw me and cried loudly. I looked at them weirdly and then as they got closer I saw who they were it was Izzy and Beth coming to see me before I left. I got up and hugged them both and they cried still. I looked at Izzy, my best friend, and then at Beth, also my best friend.

     "Hey girls what are you guys doing here?" I asked them. They looked surprised and shocked.

      "Uh we came to see you goodbye!" Beth squeeled. I teared up and then hugged them both. We sat down and talked until mom and Tom came back over to me. They looked at Beth and Izzy and waved and smiled. They did the same back.

      "So," I asked "when is the plane ganna be here?"

      "They said that we have a special one, I guess its because that women told this airport, when we said that we were coming today, that we get our special plane." Mom said shrugging. I smiled. America, rolls off the tongue like a stream. I couldn't wait to see Harry and America! I sat back down with my friends and we talked some more.

      "So tell me about you and Harry!" Izzy demanded. I smirked.

      "Nothing really after Haz left we have been just friends and have not talked in a while so." I said looking out a window.

        "Oh come on there has to be something going on." Beth said. I shook my head.

         "Nope just friends." I said smiling. Izzy reached in her purse and got out a card and a little box. She smiled and handed it to me.

        "Here I got this for you yesterday on my way back from school." Izzy said crying again.

        "Speaking of school why have you been gone for so long?" Beth asked confused.

          "Well first I was depressed about Harry and then I wen't back to school for the next weeks and then two days ago I had an asthma attack so really I was out for one day because I wen't yesterday Beth remember?" I stated looking confusingly at Beth.

          "Oh yea I saw you I meant to sit with you and Izzy and Carol but Tonya made me sit with her instead." Beth said glumly. I patted her shoulder. She looked at me and smiled. Then a man started walking towards us and the closer he got the more familiar he got. Then when he wasen't that far away I realised who it was, it was Paul! Man its been forever since I've seen him. I jumped up and ran for him, I jumped into his arms and hugged Paul for awhile. He smiled and hugged back then after a few minutes I let go. I looked at him and he smiled.

       "Hey Ally long time no see!" Paul said laughing. I laughed and nodded.

       "Seriously." I said. We wen't back over to mom and Tom, Izzy, and Beth. I introduced Paul to Tom, Izzy, and Beth. Izzy and Beth died when they met Paul because they are big One Direction fans too. I laughed at them and said my last goodbye's to Izzy and Beth and wen't to our special plane.

   ~Harry's POV~

     When Paul left yesterday with some other people me and the boys wen't home and cleaned like Paul told us to. We love Paul like a dad so we listen to him and what he says. After I cleaned up mine and Louis room, which Louis did half and I did the rest, I wen't to sleep and then I woke up this morning smelling breakfast. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs trying my best to not wake Louis. When I got there I saw Liam and Niall sitting at the table eating breakfast silently. I looked at them and smiled and waved. They smiled and waved back at me. I got a plate and ate breakfast with Niall and Liam. We talked about some things.

      "So are you happy about Ally coming today Haz?" Niall asked getting up and placing his plate in the sink and walking back over to us. I looked at him and smiled.

      "Yeah I love to see her." I smiled winking at Liam. He smiled back, Liam got up and put his plate in the sink and came back to the table with me and Niall. Niall laughed.

      "Har only you would say tha-" Liam cut Niall off.

     "No Niall you and Zayn, and me, and Louis would say that to we are all lovey dovey...unfortanuinally." Liam said. I laughed and so did Niall. I got up and put my plate in the sink and wen't up stairs to change so I could meet Ally at the airport later. When I got up there Louis had just got done getting ready and was heading down stairs. He saw me and waved at me and smiled.

      "Morning Haz!" Louis chimed.

      "Morning Lou!" I sang. He ran down stairs and I wen't to get ready. I fixed my hair and chose a button up plaid red shirt and some cackes with my regular shoes. I brush my teeth and go downstairs and meet Zayn and The others talking about evrything. I join in and wait until noon because that when they are suppose to be here.

    ~Ally's POV~

       When we got in the plane it was fancy because it was a private jet. Paul led me to my room and mom and Tom got their own room. When he got done giving out rooms he peaked into mine and knocked. I looked up and waved.

       "Hey Paul!" I said unpacking. Paul smiled and came in and helped me. Me and Paul got close when the boys and Paul and I wen't out to town one day and Paul was our secerity. He's so fun and funny. When we got done he sat me down on the bed so I could catch up on the boys. I listened to everything he said and listened to the stuff about Harry more.

     "And then the boys decided to go into town after an interview a couple weeks ago and I wen't with them because you know its my job. And then Harry and Louis did one of those pranks on a fan and you should have seen the girls reaction. Harry and Louis love those kind of pranks and honestly I do to." Paul explained. I smiled and laughed.Finally, we finished talking and mom came in and said that lunch was ready. We wen't to eat and then I sat down to watch tv when a lady walked up to me to talk about the stuff we would be doing when we get there tomorrow.

     "And then after you guys get settled we will reunite you and Harry so you guys can catch up on things. Then we will go to a concert and spend time there for a while and after that the boys will have a meet and greet thing and then we will come home and have an interview with you being introduced with Harry the next day but I'll tell you about that later k? ok." Said Mrs. Rina. She was the head manager of one direction. I just nodded and listened and the more she talked the more I smiled. I love going places with the boys its fun.

   After ahe talked to me I stayed there and watched tv for awhile until like ten and got tired a little so I wen't to lay down in bed. Mom came in there a couple minutes later and sat on my bed to talk to me.

"Hey darling tierd?" Mom asked me. I nodded and closed my eyes. We got up early this morning so we could get to the airport in time, so yeah I'm exaugsted. Mom rubbed my back and kissed my head and Tom kissed my forehead and they turned off the lights. I then fell into a dreamless sleep.

The Voices in My Head:A sequel to My Secrect Boyfriend (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now