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~Ally's POV~

When I got up the next morning y alarm clock just went off. I slammed it and sighed and put my face into my pillow. Then my mom walked in and saw me and she shook me and I threw my arms around to let her know I was awake. She laughed and walked out. When mom left I got up and changed into a white shirt with a blue crop top that said peace love and zebras in gold and had sparkles all over it. I put on some skinny jeans with my neon green converses. I packed up my things and brushed my teeth and did my hair.

My hair was straightened and I put in a pull back thing with a bow on it. I got my suite case and walked back into the living room. Everyone was sitting either on the couch or eating breakfast. Mom was eating breakfast and Paul was watching tv with the lady. When w

Paul saw me he waved and smiled. I waved back. I went into the kitchen and got cereal to eat and sat down at the table with mom and Tom.

"So Tom whats the haps?" I asked him feeling all weird. He shrugged.

"Nothing much you?" Tom asked. I shook my head.

"I'm fine, so mom when are we landing again?" I asked mom eating.

"Ata about ten or ten thirty." Mom said getting up to put away the bowl. I nodded and got up to.

"And when we get to the airport we will get you home to Harry and let y'all hang for awhile. Then we must get ready for a concert at 7:30 then we have interviews the next morning." The lady Mrs. Rina said smiling. I nodded.

"And you do get go home after the concert so yea." Mrs. Rina said. I nodded and went to brush my teeth again. I came back and sat down watching tv and deciding on the couple with Harry thing over. I don't know if I want to date for awhile really it depends.


~Harry's POV~

When I finally got up and ready I went downstairs and at some cereal and juice. Liam and Zayn were already up when I got down and so we made small talk. I found out just before I left to get Ally that they wouldn't e here until like ten today. So I stayed and watched tv with Zayn and Liam for awhile.

"So lad when is Ally getting here?" Liam asked.

"About ten or so." I said changing the channel for like the tenth time. Liam nodded and got up.

"Where are you going Li?" Zayn asked.

"To get the others up so we can get ready for the day." Liam said walking up the stairs. Then it hit me, we had to do all that stuff today oh my gosh. We have a concert today and then signing after that and tomorrow we can't spend time either. Tomorrow we have interviews. I miss spending time together it was suppose to be like old times but with all this stuff it won't be.

When all the boys were down stairs ad I was about to leave Louis wanted to go to so I let him. Me and Louis are personally the closest to Ally. Louis and Ally bonded when everyone left that day in New York and Louis decided to stay and I really think he just did it because he liked Ally at the time, but I already warned him about it.

On our way there Louis was so excited I couldn't get him to shut up and stay still. I think he still likes Ally and now I'm kinda jealous. I turned down the music and started a talk with Louis.

"Ok Lou you remember our little talk right?" I asked Louis eyeing him. Louis then became serious and looked right at me, Louis nodded.

"Yea I remember it....that was a really long talk." Louis said.

"Well this is no different ok?" I said seriously.

"I know please don't go through this again that was a very long talk." Lou said reaching for the knob to turn up the radio. I stopped him.

"I get it Haz ok, I know this." Louis said and turned up the radio and sat back mad a little. I sighed and drove on. I know Louis is mad because I'm bothering him about Ally and I need to trust Louis to not do anything. Louis is my best friend he wouldn't do that to me.

~Ally's POV~

After awhile, when we landed, I got my stuff and Paul and Tom helped me off. They also helped my mom to. Paul led us to the airport and he helped get some of our bags. Mom had the most things because if the wedding in two days. I can't wait to see my mom as happy as can be when she gets marred. I'm her maid of honor so I had to assign the church, the date, time, food and all that good stuff.

When we arrived in the airport we sat around waiting for Haz. I had jitter bugs in my stomach and I had no idea why, I'd seen Harry lots of times before I guess I was just nervous.

We all talked a little bit about the wedding for a bit and then sat in silence. For a second I got sleepy and laid my head on moms shoulder and closed my eyes. I fell to sleep and dreamed about me and Harry dating again and it ended bad. Me and Harry got into a nasty fight and it all went down from there. I was then woke up by a shake and I shot up and someone, who had a deep voice, laughed. I rubbed my eyes and concentrated on the person in front of me. I then realized who it was, it was Harry! I jumped up and squeezed him to death and he twirled me around. I love his warmth he gives when he hugs.

"Hey Ally boo! I'm so happy to see you!" Harry said brightly smiling. I smiled big focusing on his wonderful green eyes. Gosh, Harry had the most pretty eyes I've ever seen. I zoned out I guess because Harry nudged me laughing. I came back to reality and saw Harry laughing. I smiled and blushed.

"Uh what?" I asked blushing beat red. Harry smiled.

"I said can we go now my lady?" Harry said laughing. I nodded, then next thing I know I was pushed away from Harry and had been slung backwards hard. I looked at the person hugging me, squeezing me really, and laughed. It was just Louis who was obviously really happy to see me. I smiled and pushed him away a little bit.

"Hey Lou! And that's a wonderful way to say hello to someone." I said laughing. Louis smiled and blushed. I laughed and hugged him back. I walked back to Harry and then we walked to the car with everyone.

"So Haz where is the others?" I asked him when we got in the car. Harry got settled and he answered me.

"Their at home at our little condo thingy." Harry said throwing his arm around me. I smiled, then I remembered how much fun I had with Harry back in Chesire and I snuggled my head into Harry's shoulder. I hopped Harry still liked me but in the very back of my head some little voice told me not to get back together, but I ignored it.

Louis was driving and so he was in the front ad he turned around and looked at us and smiled a cheeky smile.

"Aww it Arry!!!!" Louis exclaimed.

"Lou drive!" Harry yelled back. Louis quickly turned around and payed attention to the road. I think Louis likes me because after that time we hung out together he's started flirting with me an Harry hates that. I give him a reassuring look and he sits back in his seat.

"So Haz when we get back we need to catch up eh?" I asked Harry snuggling with him closely. Harry smiled and kissed my cheek.

"First I'm taking you to a special place and we can talk there how's that sound?" Harry said smiling. I nodded and then mom, she was in the car with us, looked back at us, also in the front, and smiled.

"Now you two be careful ok? Nothing you know I won't approve of." Mom said smirking. I rolled me eyes and Harry laughed.

"Mom please? You can trust us you know that! We've already been on like two dates and we didn't do anything you wouldn't approve of like walking across the street without holding hands." I said rolling my eyes. Harry smiled and nodded.

"Mrs. Uh I don't know what your new name will be, but I promise it's just like hanging out." Harry said winking at me. Mom smiled and turned around. I snuggled into Harry's chest and fell to sleep.

The Voices in My Head:A sequel to My Secrect Boyfriend (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now