Chapter Five

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The picture is Raven, just imagine her with blue eyes not red. I had no time to edit it. But I'll post it in a different chapter with the right eye color. 


I watched as Arthur and the other exorcists loaded Ravens body onto a stretcher and carried her over to one of the doors. They were taking her to headquarters, I realized. I sprinted over in the direction of the door, not willing to let them take her. An arm stretched in front of me as they took Raven into the door and shut it. I looked over to an emotionless Yukio.

"Why? Why did you let them take her?!" I yelled at Yukio as he glanced at me and the door. Shaking his head he walked over to the rest of the class. Everyone was looking at the ground not knowing what to say about this.

"You think I would willingly let them take her. They ordered me to let them take her." I said in a stiff voice. I really didn't want them to take her, I could tell Rin and her had created a connection no one could break. A bond that was so deep even they didn't know, they had an understanding of each other that no one could copy. "Come on. Let's get back to class." I said as walking toward the door, pulling my keys out.


I sat in a small room that only held a small table and two chairs, so it was basically a interrogation room. I looked around the room, seeing the door and the window I couldn't see through. Closing my eyes I a let a small electric current out of my finger toward the window. Feeling through the current I sensed over ten people on the other side of the window. They all seemed to be watching me, though one started to move. And in the direction of the door. Opening my eyes I saw the door open and saw the man who had captured me. Arthur, he sat down on the other side of the table, I could almost see the glitter in his hair from this distance, and there was a lot. 

"How did you summon one of the Demon Kings?" Was the first question. I sighed and wondered what had happened to Rin when he was capture and interrogated for being demon spawn. 

"I don't know." I said as looking at him in the eyes. "Maybe you should have put more restrictions on there." 

"How did you defeat him?" He asked as I slammed my head onto the desk. Why can't they ask simple questions? It would make this so much simpler. 

"I've had special training." I stated, taking notice to my short, vague answers. He was getting mad at them. 

"Fine. Who is your mother and father?" He said as my eyes narrowed. Didn't it say on my papers for school? "Your real parents." He finished as I nodded. So, that's what he meant. 

"All I know is who my father is, not my mother." I said as he gave me a sign to continue. "My father is..." I said creepily. Arthur, leaned forward, waiting for my response. Oh, this was just going to be fun. "Stevenson McBoogerFace." I said as he jumped out of his chair. I burst out laughing as he kicked his chair and stormed out of the room. After, a few minutes a single thought went through my head. 

"Maybe, I went a little too far." I said as laughing again. The door opened to a new figure, a man with long brown hair and eyes. I didn't recognize him on the spot, well, not until he turned around. "Father." I said as smiling. He was my adopted father, he's a very nice man. Though, he died six years ago. 

"It has been a while since I have spoken to you." He said as I nodded. Yes, I can see and speak to ghosts, an ability I had gained after my adopted mother died one month ago. "I see you've also gained another ability. You can see and communicate with ghosts. When did this happen?" He asked as a sad smile came to my face. 

"After mother died." I said on the verge of tears. "When she died, something happened and I saw her ghost and she told me that she would be happy, and for me to carry on. Have you seen her yet?" I said urgently. He smiled and gave me a slight nod. He stepped over to me and gave me a hug. A shiver went through me as he touched me. Is this what it feels like to be touched by ghosts. My emotions betraying me, I started to cry and weep.


I watched through the window, she was a sarcastic one. I couldn't believe she got to me. My attention was yanked from my thoughts as the other exorcists around me started to point at her. I walked over to the sound station and turned up the input. She seemed to be talking to her self. I looked closer, only to see tears dripping down her face as a shiver went through her body. I shimmer went through the table and across it. My eyes widening I took out one of my special cameras and took a picture. Opening the picture, my mouth dropped open. 

Th-this was... Former Paladin Joji Anzai. The most famous and honorable person in all of the exorcists. And this was her father?! In the files, he was under another name. The name he was under was Hidehira Kasaya.

How is this possible. It was said to be that he and his wife had died ten years ago. But, according to all the files on Raven Kurenai's parents her father died six years ago and her mother just a month ago. I'll have to tell the others about this, all though something was telling me not to. I need to tell them, I thought as running out of the room, telling the other exorcists to tell everyone to get to the meeting room. 


I sat in my chair, eyes still wet from meeting Dad again. I mean I know I'm adopted. I mean one of them is not a demon, or something. A slow rumbling came from the wall beside me. Looking that way, the dust on the wall was flying off as if to get away from an impending disaster. The wall crumbled into pieces, a large amount of dust everywhere. A tall figure stood in the disaster, a tall man stood there. He flashed next to me as he hit two pressure points in my neck. The last thing I remember was white hair and blue eyes, like mine. The next thing I know, I'm surrounded by blackness. 


I know I'm so mean ending it there! But at least I updated! I mean I haven't in a while because of school and drama. Yes, I am an actor! Woo hoo, go me! Well, thank you all for reading and I'll be sure to update soon. 





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