Chapter Eight

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Walking to my room I saw that Father was sitting in my chair. Sitting on my bed I closed my eyes.

"Father?" I asked as he looked up and looked at me.

"Yes?" He said as I sat up.

"Tell me." I started as he nodded. "Who is Aragorn? I talked to him at the party." I said as Fathers eyes lit up in recognition.

"Oh. He is the son of a high ranking demon." Father said as I nodded. "He is one of the privileged few to work under me in political matters." He said. Though I feel as of there is something he is not telling me.

"Is there anything else?" I asked as he shook his head. "Well, I should probably get to bed. Long day." I said as he nodded.

After he left the room I walked over to the mirror and changed into my demoness form. The clothes were right and the thing hovering over my head is a bit much. It looks a bit cheesy.

Deactivating it I took off my dress and changed into a night gown, climbing into bed. Closing my eyes, my mind wandered to Aragorn. Father seems to be hiding something about him too. Opening my eyes out of frustration I climbed out of bed and pulled on a jacket. I'm going to do some digging.

Walking though the halls I made my way to the portal room and activated it. Watching as the room lit up with blue light I stepped though and appeared in the exorcist library. Going through all the isles I finally made it to the last one and looked though the books.

"I wonder what happened." I heard as my whole body went rigid. Slowly turning I saw two men sitting at a table with books. "I heard there were two demons that got away. A female and a male." They said as I took a step back.

"A female and a male, huh." I said as backing away. That would be some interesting information. Heading back to the portal I stepped through and headed to my room and went to bed for real.

Opening my eyes I saw that it was still dark. Sitting up I looked over to see a letter on my desk. Standing up I picked up the letter and opened it.

Dear Raven,

Meet me at the fountain near the woods.


Pulling on my jacket I exited my room once again but this time I made my way to the fountain to see Aragorn leaning against it.

"Ah, you came." He said as I nodded and sat beside him.

"What did you need?" I asked as he had a look of curiosity in his eyes. "I mean you wouldn't have called me all the way out here for a hello."

"Yes, you are right. I called you here because I know you have questions for me and I for you." He said as I nodded a little surprised.

"Were you in custody of the exorcists?" I asked as he nodded.

"Were you?" He asked as I nodded in return.

"Who are you really?" I asked as he narrowed his eyes. "Father is hiding something about you. Something big, if you don't tell me then I'll just find out myself." I said with self confidence.

"I..." He started as looking up at the sky. "I can't tell you." He said making me even more curious.


"Because it's for me to know and for you to never find out." He said as giving me a closed eye smile. "Well, look at the time. Seems I need to go." He said as disappearing from my sight.


Sorry, my dear.

It's not time for you to know yet. If he told you I would have to kill you both but if you find out on your own you'll live.

Be safe my dear and don't die on me again... That would be troublesome.


Woooooooo hooooooooooo

Finally update this book! All thanks to a little helper who helped me get out of writer block! Thanks @MadHatterCo




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