Chapter 1: Credit or Debit

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"Cassie! Make sure you sweep the sand out before you leave!" Amanda, my coworker, yelled going into the back of the store. I hated summer. Summer meant tourists with nagging kids and buff guys on steroids. I'd rather not deal with either of them.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved her off grabbing a broom and sweeping the mass pile of sand that had built up over the past few hours. I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone. My shirt was now wet, and I assumed they were wearing a wetsuit. "Sorry," a raspy voice said picking me up. "Thanks," I dusted the sand off my bottom.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" I shook my head, "No I'm fine." I wasn't exactly fine, because I was still upset that he knocked me down. Looking up, he had pretty blue eyes. Mine were nothing compared to his and I had solid purple ones. I had a rare genetic mutation called Alexandria's Genesis which is why my eyes are purple.

He walked into the shop looking around at the drinks in the cooler. I continued sweeping sand out until I finally heard a voice behind me. "Ms. I'm ready for check out." It was the guy who knocked me over.

"Sorry," I ran around to the cash register scanning his items. "That's 8.56." He handed me a debit card. "Credit or debit?" "Credit." I slid the card and grabbed a bag for his items. "Here you go, Have a nice day," I said sweetly. "Thanks." He exited the shop and I never thought of him again.


"Cassie you never do anything! Please come surfing with us!" Katrina yelled through the phone. "I'm fine at home, and you know how I hate the water. It isn't my cup of tea. Just go without me, and next week I'll go to the movies with you guys, I promise." I heard Katrina sigh, "Whatever Cassie." Pulling the phone from my ear I saw she hung up.

I didn't want to go out. I was fine with reading a book or watching late-night television. I didn't know how long I sat on the couch before actually doing something. Picking up the remote I scrolled through the various channels that my local cable company offered. I decided on a crapy sitcom and rested on the sofa.

I woke up around three in the morning. My small apartment didn't have much to offer. A dinky kitchen and dull living space. I didn't even have a bedroom, just the sofa that I slept on. The bathroom was in better condition since the building redid the plumbing and septic last year.

I opened my fridge grabbing a can of Sprite to drink and some leftover turkey from the other night. It was dry tasting, but it would be due until the next paycheck.

Curling back up on the sofa I went to sleep, not ever wanting to wake up.


The morning passed in a blur. I remember showering and getting dressed, but when I got to work, I finally checked into reality. "Hey Amanda," she looked up from her phone. "Hey," I went around back and clocked in, then got me a drink from the cooler. "Katrina is pissed at you," Amanda said.

"Why? Because I wanted to say home! I hate surfing and swimming and I hate the ocean. I didn't want to go." Amanda rolled her eyes. "Please Cassie, when are you going to grow up and get over that stupid fear?"

"It's not stupid. I just hate the water." Amanda sighed and got to work. A lot of my friends, no, all of my friends were beachgoers and I was a stay-at-home hermit because of my extreme fear of water. I didn't like to think about it, so I pushed it to the back of my head.

The local surfers were here and so were the tourists. Nothing was worse than dealing with people who didn't know the area asking for directions and how to get there, or what's the best place to eat. It was pretty slow around lunch time so I grabbed a hoagie from the cooler and sat down to eat.

Just my luck, the bell rang telling me someone else walked in. I went back to eating ignoring whoever it was.

They came up to the register. It was that guy from yesterday. "Hey," he smiled. "Hi," I was a little nervous to tell you the truth. His eyes were dangerous and the look he gave topped it off. I scanned his items which consisted of a Coke, and some chocolate. "3.19." Once again he gave me the debit card and asked for credit. "Thanks," he grabbed his things and walked out the door.

That's when I realized he left his debit card and his wallet. "Shit," I mumbled to myself. I ran out the door to find him and he was nowhere in sight. I took his wallet and placed it on the shelf in the back. I was tempted to open it and have a peak, but I didn't want to be rude.

The day ended and the guy still never came back. I decided to take his wallet home with me so I could see who he was. I wasn't going to look through all his stuff. I just needed a name or address, even a phone number would work.

When I got home I opened his wallet. The first thing I saw was his name.

Norman Reedus

His address is below. It wasn't very far from my place and I could walk there in a few minutes. Putting my shoes on I walked to the next apartment complex down the road. I went up to the room number and knocked.

As the door opened it wasn't the man I saw at the store. This wasn't Norman. "Does a Norman live here?" I asked. The man had sandy blonde hair. His arms were pretty defined too, and so was the rest of him. He was good-looking.

"I'm his buddy, why?" "I have his wallet, figured he'd want it back." The man took the wallet. "I'll be sure to tell him." He shut the door in my face, but I pushed my hand on it stopping him from doing so. "Wait! How do I know you're not lying?"

He opened the door moving out of the way so I could step in. "I'm Sean." "Cassie." I enter his apartment doing a quick look. "Norman stays here every once in a while. We're best friends." Sean said. "Well, where is he?" I asked venturing into the living room. "Out for the night. He'll be back tomorrow." Sean quickly said.

I noticed an ashtray on the coffee table beside a few biker magazines. "Oh,"

The wall had pictures of beaches and marine animals. A fish tank was in the corner holding many fish inside. "I'll be going now," I said awkwardly heading for the door. "Wanna hang out and have a beer?" He asked. I didn't have work tomorrow and it was better than sitting at home alone. "Sure."

What I thought was going to be one beer slowly turned into two, then three. Then the next thing I knew Sean was pouring us shots. "Can't handle your liquor I see?" Sean teased. "I haven't drunk in a while, leave me alone," I said punching his shoulder.

It wasn't long before I started seeing spots. "Whoa," I grabbed my head hoping it would help when I knew it wouldn't. "You alright?" Sean asked. "I think so," Sean shook his head and lifted me. I didn't know where he was taking me until I ended up on the bed. "I'll get you some water. You're hammered." He laughed. I rolled over into the bed burrowing my face into the blanket and going to sleep.


Please note this story isn't going to be 100 chapters. It'll probably end around 20 or 30. This is just a small, short story. I hope you enjoy it.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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