Chapter 15: The Real Reason

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Check out my Klaus Mikaelson story, A Battle for my Heart!


Sean messaged me last night after I tried to morph. I was only doing it for Norman and because Andrew had asked me, but I honestly didn't try my hardest. Sean told me to avoid morphing at all cost and wait until he arrived. He was swimming here and would be at the shore in a matter of hours. Sadly, the only thing he could bring was himself, so he asked me to meet him at the shoreline with some clothes. He was swimming all the way from The United States to London, and I couldn't even imagine how fast he was going. I went swimming with Norman a long time ago and he was going wickedly fast then. Sean was probably going at least a hundred miles an hour.

Norman was over at Andrew's for a swim, so it was the perfect time to sneak out without having Norman around. He was keeping something from me and I knew that Sean would tell me. But, if Norman was aroundI feared I would never know the answer. Sean and Norman are already fighting too, so the less stress I have the better.

As I walked to the shoreline I sat behind a large rock waiting for Sean. The water was crashing against the rocks and I could smell the sea. Not many people came to this part of the shore so it would give Sean a smaller chance of being seen. I wrote my name in the sand, letting water wash over it, erasing my name. "Come on, Sean..." I mumbled to myself. I wanted him to get here now since there wasn't anyone around. I finally watched as he came to the surface. Only his head was showing though. "Did you bring a towel?" He asked. "Yeah! Now hop out so you can dry off." I put one towel on the sand and one over him. I let him dry off before handing him the clothes. "The water is colder here than at home." He said buttoning his pants. The scene didn't really look right with me kneeling in front of him and him buttoning his pants.

Sean thanked me and helped me up. "Cassie!" I heard behind me. "Shit..." Sean groaned. It was Norman. "Where the hell did you go, I've been looking for you!" Norman shouted at me as he approached us. "Sean? What are you guys doing? Why are you here?" Norman pushed passed me and was chest to chest Sean. "Hey!" I yelled, trying to break them apart. "Trying to take my girlfriend Flanery?" Norman asked Sean, and I watched Norman's fist clench at his side. "No, but you should stop fucking around and just tell her." Sean said being the better man and talking calmly. "Tell her what? You don't know shit!" Norman backed up and grabbed my hand, "let's go." I stayed in place, holding my ground. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on!" I demanded. "There's nothing to tell you, Cassie. Baby, let's go back to the hotel. We'll order room service and watch movies. Maybe you can try to morph again?" Norman was sweet talking me and it really worried me. What was he keeping from me? His hands were rubbing my sides and I pulled away from him. I hate the secrets that he kept from me.

I heard Sean scoff behind me. "Cassie, don't listen to him. Come here." I went over to Sean's side, he wouldn't let Norman do anything to hurt me. "Just tell her, Norman!" Sean yelled. Norman shook his head, "there's nothing to tell her, you dumbass." Norman walked over to me and ripped me away from Sean, practically dragging me away. "Norman, you're hurting me!" I cried and tried to get out of his grip. "Tell her Norman! Tell her now! Tell her how she has to morph once or she'll die!" Sean yelled to us. Norman stopped dead in his tracks and looked into my eyes.

He only wanted me to morph so he wouldn't lose me, even if it meant I'd be unhappy. "If you morph Cassie, you'll live a long time. A very long time. If you don't, then you'll die at the average human age." Sean said behind me. I pulled away from Norman's grip. "Y-y-you only wanted me to morph for the sake of yourself. You didn't want to lose me so you figured if I morphed then I'd get to stay with you. Why did you keep that from me?" I cried.  Norman lied to me. It was all for himself.

"I love you Cassie, and I want you to stay alive with me. We can live hundreds of years together! I did this for us." Norman tried to explain. I shook my head, looking back at Sean. He saved me from living a long life. "No, Norman. You did this for you." I cried. I turned away from him, walking away. I needed some separation from him. I never wanted to morph. I wanted to live a normal life.

"She never wanted this Norm, the girl is better off without morphing. Let her be normal, and maybe when you get your head out of your ass and stop being so selfish then you can come home, until then, don't swim back at home." Sean said and caught up with me. "Want me to take you home?" He asked. I cried and nodded my head, "please." Sean lifted me into his arms and carried me back to the hotel where I packed my suitcase. "The flight leaves in two hours." He mentioned as I zipped up my suitcase.

"Okay, thanks." I said quietly. I still couldn't believe that Norman wanted to keep me alive just for his own pleasure. What if I wanted to live to be ninety and die? What would he do then. I just want to stay human and be normal. I silently cried while carrying my suitcase to the door. "Cassie..." Sean said sweetly and pulled me in for a hug. "It's okay, you and I will go back to my place and chill for a while. We'll get drunk and we won't wear pants." Sean always knew how to make me laugh. "Alright." I said wiping my tears on my shoulder. It wasn't long before we were on a plane back home leaving Norman in London.

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