Chapter 4: Alive

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I learned that Norman has lived on the beach his whole life and he moved out onto this island to get more privacy and experience the ocean more. He also explained how he got me back to shore. It didn't quite make any sense to me because he says he saw me from a distance on his boat and I for one remember everything before I went under. There was no boat.

Anyway, I for one would not want to experience the ocean more like Norman. Norman thinks my fear of the ocean is funny and likes to tease me about it.

Norman is taking me back to shore today so I can go home and because I have work this evening. After breakfast, I got dressed in my clothes from last night. Norman washed them for me and I thanked him.

"Ready to go?" He asked me when I exited the spare bedroom. "Yeah, I am. Thanks again for everything." He nodded and grabbed the key to his boat. "No problem."

Norman had on a wetsuit and I was curious as to why. "Plan on taking a swim later?" I joked as we walked through the sand and out to the docks. "No, I just... Uh, don't want any water splashing on me." He answered looking back at me.

Norman got onto the boat and held a hand out for me I grabbed on and locked eyes with him before stepping on.

"Your eyes... They're different." I blushed a bit. Usually when people asked about my eyes I got quite annoyed, but Norman made me smile.

"Yeah, I have a rare eye mutation. Alexandria's Genesis." I said grinning. Norman smirked, "Pretty cool if you ask me." He said untying us from the dock.

"Thanks." I sat down on the boat and Norman drove us back to shore. I will admit that I started freaking out the moment the boat moved. I hated knowing that sharks and whales could be moving beneath the ocean right now. I closed my eyes and focused on the mainland ahead of us.

Pulling up to the docks I smiled. Norman stopped the boat and tied us to it. He jumped off and extended his hand to pull me up. "Thanks." "No problem." I started walking and noticed that Norman was behind me.

"Where you headed?" I asked him. "Probably Sean's place and after that, I have no idea." He laughed. We started coming up onto the sidewalk and I could see all the tourists filling in the beached area and small gift shops.

"I have to work from five to ten." I groaned to myself. I was too tired to work today. "Really? We should... Uh, hang out... After you work. If you're up for it." He finished. 

I was going to be tired after work tonight, but I had a few days off afterward, so what would it hurt to hang out with Norman for a few hours? "Sure, I'd love to... And I mean it this time." I smiled. "Alright, I'll see you around ten?" He asked me.

"Yes, you'll see me at ten." I watched him wink at me before turning around and walking to Sean's place. I went in the opposite direction and headed home. Since I only lived a mile from the shop, I had a chance to relax and shower before work tonight.

I even took a small nap and tried to rejuvenate myself before working five hours with people from unknown areas.

I started walking to work knowing it would only take me a few minutes to walk there. Coming up to the store it was closed. "What the hell?" I asked myself. I opened the door anyway and walked in. I could hear crying in the back.

"Hello?" I called out. I heard multiple feet running out of the back. "Oh my god! Cassie! You're alive!" Katrina yelled running towards me. Behind her was Amanda. She had tears running down her face and I knew then that she was the one crying.

"Of course I'm alive," I said hugging her back. "They pushed you off the cliff and we called the cops and everything. We thought you died, Cassie! We couldn't find you!" Katrina cried shaking me.

A sheriff stepped out from the back smiling. "I'm alright, Norman saved me, and took me to his place. I almost died." I gave them the simple facts. "Norman?" Katrina asked confused. I shook my head, "he's a friend. Without him, I'd be shark food." I joked.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay miss. Have a nice day." The officer said before exiting the shop. 

"We were so scared. I even called off work today." Amanda said. "Sorry, but it's not my fault. You and your asshole buddies didn't have to push me. You know how I hate the water and the worst part is I can't swim." I felt an anger rising in me.

I was mad that I went out with Katrina last night. It almost got me killed. "Hey! Don't start on me. I didn't push you, I told them you couldn't swim."

"Yeah! After they already pushed me. I heard you tell them. But, you could've told them to stop before it got out of-" I noticed a rather large hickey on her neck. "Is that a hickey?" I asked moving her brown curly hair to the side.

"She was making out with a guy all night, that's why she didn't notice them take you up to the cliff," Amanda muttered. "Amanda! What the hell!" Katrina yelled. "I'm not the one shacking up with a guy when my best friend is being assaulted by a bunch of drunks." Amanda could get pretty feisty when she wanted to and I had to make sure she didn't punch Katrina. It's happened before.

"Alright, you know I'm outta here!" Katrina threw her hands up. "I'm glad you're safe." She said before leaving.

I took one look at Amanda. Her arms were crossed, and she had her hair in a messy bun. Her brown eyes were bloodshot from crying. Amanda was beaten up over me being gone for a day.

"I'm the one that called the cops." Amanda choked out. "Katrina ran to my place last night and got me up. I called the cops I got my brothers to look for you on their boat... but they didn't find anything. I've been up all night." She laughed a bit towards the end.

"I'm glad to know I have one true friend." I walked over and hugged her tightly. "Katrina is your friend, but she's more worried about herself than anyone. I'm so pissed at her." She growled.

"Me too, I should've stayed home." Amanda agreed with me. "Next time if they ask you to go out, don't tell them yes. You can stay home if that's what you're comfortable with. I'd rather have you safe and bored, than in danger and having fun." I smiled and hugged her again.

"My fear of the water isn't so stupid anymore is it?" I asked in a teasing manner. "No, it's not. We all have fears." Amanda laughed.

"Are we gonna open up today or what?" I asked looking around at the empty shop and the dozens of people strolling by.

"No, just go home. You need rest. Oh, and tomorrow we're gonna talk about that Norman guy." She teased. "Alrighty."

I had a few hours to kill until Norman was stopping by the shop. I didn't have his number so I figured I'd go back to the shop before ten and wait for him. I took a walk along the beach and thought about how the water almost consumed me last night.

I hated looking at the ocean. It held so many secrets and was more dangerous than anything I could think of.

I went and had some dinner at Wendy's, but it wasn't much of a meal. Just some greasy, deep-fried foods and an overly sugared drink.

Around ten that night I went back to the shop. The sidewalks were clearing out as the beach shut down. A half hour passed and I saw no sign of Norman.

Around eleven o'clock it was dead silent. The only light source I had was the street poles. I couldn't see anyone. I finally concluded that Norman bailed on me.

"Figures," I mumbled. I walked back to my apartment and kicked my shoes off before laying on the couch and snuggled up to my blanket.

My day never goes as planned.

🎈How many of you watched the Season 6 Premier? I almost died! It was so good!

💙Norman bailed! What a bitch...

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames🔥🔥🔥

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