Chapter 12: One of Us

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"Good job!" Norman cheered when I swam from one side of the pool to the other. We went to Sean's beach house that he just bought and it had a private pool outback. I've been using it to practice my swimming. I'm able to swim now, but I'm slow. Since the pool wasn't very deep, it wasn't as scary as the ocean, though it did take some convincing to get me in the pool.

"Be careful now, sweetheart." Norman said as he rested along the side. Sean was sitting in he sun, trying to tan himself. "She's fine, Reedus." Sean yelled over. Norman didn't let me swim alone. He always had to be in the water with me because he was afraid of me drowning.

"Fuck off, Sean!" Norman flipped Sean the bird and I swam to the other side with Norman. "See. I'm fine." I told him and clung to his muscular form. The water in this part of the pool was deeper, making it around ten feet. Norman had no problem in deep water, but I had trouble staying afloat. "I gotcha." Norman reminded me. My legs were wrapped around his waist, and I could feel the thick hide of his tail. It was silky when I felt it, but was strong and durable, almost rough. "I won't let you drown, Cassie. I promise." Norman laughed.

We've been doing this swimming thing for about two weeks. Norman kept trying to inch me into the water a day at a time. We took baths together at first. Norman would get in and morph before I got in and I was thankful for his spacious tub. Then we tried the pools, and we tried many of them. The public pool, kitty pools, and now we are at Sean's pool. The next step was getting in the ocean shoreline, and eventually I wanted to be out at sea with Norman.

"Wanna cook up some stuff on the grill?" Sean asked us. "I'd love too." Anything to get me out of the water for awhile. I didn't mind the water so much anymore as I did before. I couldn't even get in a bathtub before due to my fear. Now, I'm able to swim in a pool by myself without having Norman hold me.

I slipped out of the pool and wrapped a towel around myself. Sean was sporting a nice tan and he flexed his muscles at me as I grabbed the hotdogs and hamburgers. "Still isn't enough to win me over, sorry." I told him. Sean liked to flirt and make jokes at me a lot. It made Norman jealous which is why Sean enjoyed doing it so much.

Norman pulled himself out of the pool and dried off in the sun. It wasn't long before he was back to his human form, and I was here to take in all his naked glory. "Nice ass you got there, babe!" I told him as he walked by me to go inside. "Same to you, sweetheart." He winked. Norman went inside to grab some shorts and more food from the fridge.

"You and Norman are great together. He's never told a girl about his mermaid side before. Consider yourself lucky." Sean said. Was I really the first girl he's told? "And just a reminder, if you ever need anything, I'm here. Like, if you need help, or are struggling. Norman is like my brother, and since you're with him you've become part of us, no matter how much it pisses The Old Ones off." I've never had many people to rely on in life. Well, maybe Amanda, but we were together by choice because we worked together. "Thanks, Sean."

I started on the grilling and even cut up some watermelon. Norman and Sean were by the pool seeing who could do the most push ups. They were both still going at this point without a complaint. "Food's done!" I yelled over to them. "Alright! I win!" Sean said jumping up casually and coming over to me where I had the food set out. "Norman wins because he did more push ups, Sean." Sean waved it off. "No, Norm's a pussy, I highly doubt he could do more than me. I stopped because I didn't want to see him cry again." Sean was just adding fuel to the fire. When Sean wasn't looking Norman came around and put him in a chokehold before throwing him into the pool.

Norman laughed as Sean came up out of the water, looking pissed. "Fuck you, Reedus." "You know you want too!" Norman told him. "You guys are crazy!" I yelled at them while eating watermelon. Norman leaned down and kissed my lips before sitting beside and eating his plate.

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