Chapter 17: Different

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My skin was warm with the lingering sun shinning through the balcony windows of Norman's beach house. Our legs tangled up together like vines in the jungle. He was tired and needed rest, so I let him lay whatever way was comfortable to him, and sweetly he said, "wrapped around you."

I played with his now short hair. A result of the mental breakdown that happened in the few weeks we were apart. I kissed his shoulder lightly and rubbed his back. The thought of morphing ran through my head all night and I wondered if I'd be able to do it and still live with myself. Would I be able to handle being a mermaid is the real question. If Norman and I never work out, then my morphing would have been for nothing, but if we end up together forever morphing is the better option.

Norman stirred on my chest where his head rested. He looked up at me with tired eyes, smiling. "Morning sleepyhead, it's almost noon." I told him and he glanced at the clock on the nightstand. He laid his head back down on my chest and started kissing downwards. His mouth over the sheet was teasing to my body and I laughed. "Norm! Stop it! You just woke up." He raised his eyes, and smirked. "Alright."

Norman hopped out of bed, naked. He had a great body and I could stare at him all day if I was allowed. The tightness of his muscles and the roughness on his hands. It was all one hundred percent man. He was gorgeous. "I say we make coffee and I'll get breakfast." He said pulling some boxers on. Gracefully, I slid out of bed, dropping the sheet beside me and pulled him close, my arms resting around his neck. "You get back into bed, I'll take care of that." I kissed his lips sweetly, and felt his hands travel up and down my body. "Will you walked around like this." He pulled away some to take a look at my naked form. "If you lay back down." Norman bit his lip and nodded like a little boy. He fell onto the bed and watched me walk to the kitchen. I turned the coffee pot on and breathed in the aroma as it started to brew. I opened up some of the glass doors that led to his porch and felt the breeze. One thing I loved about Norman's home, the privacy. I could be naked all day and no one would know since it's a private island.

As I made Norman's coffee, I brought it back to the bedroom. He was already back in bed with a sheet over him and the tv remote in his hand. "Doesn't that look delicious." I knew he wasn't talking about the coffee. "Thanks babe, now what do you want to eat?" I asked and sat down beside him.

"I don't suppose you're on the menu." "Not today," I patted his thigh. "Bacon." He answered. I could've known that. "Anything else?" Norman tapped his dinner against the coffee mug. "Toast, then I want you." I rolled my eyes and leaned over to give him a kiss before starting breakfast.

Once breakfast was over Norman and I decided to go for a swim. "You need help?" He asked me. I shook my head, "I can do it. I know how." I told him as I walked into the ocean with him behind me. Once we were out far enough I took a few deep breaths and as I went beneath the waves I prayed I was making the right decision. I tried to morph. I did it for Norman. I swam below, running out of breath, but I had to stay under. My arms were pushing me forwards and all I thought about was morph and as Andy told me, I became one with the water.

My breathing suddenly started up and I didn't have to hold my breath. I looked at my arms and sides to see gills. My feet started to tingle and it ran all the way up my legs. I watched as my feet turned to a tail and it all happened so quickly I didn't realize I was now at the surface. I looked around for Norman and he was staring at me, "Cassie." He whispered.

"I did this for you. I love you, Norman." He smiled and swam to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Let's go get perched up on a rock. I wanna see what you look like." This was my first time swimming as a mermaid, and it was very difficult. "Use your hips and abdomen. Your arms will pull you." Norman made this look so easy, when really it was quite hard. He ended up laughing and pulling me to the private rocks. No one came here because of all the rocks. I lifted myself out of the water and was amazed at my tail. It was pink and purple, flecked with gold. The pink started at my waist and mixed with the purple as it went further down my tail. "God, you look gorgeous, sweetheart." I blushed and touched my tail. It wasn't like Norman's. Mine felt soft compared to his rough one. "It feels different. I feel different. I'm a whole new me." Norman shook his head. "Not new. You've always been this way, it was just dormant. I swear you never have to morph again if you don't like it." I looked at my pretty tail and the beautiful vast ocean. It wasn't so scary anymore and I felt at home now.

"Let's go!" Norman said. I pushed myself back into the water and we raced for awhile so I could get use to my tail. I heard the dolphin cries behind us. "Hey Shelley. Cassie's one of us now." Norman laughed as she nudged me and pulled me around making cute little noises and flapping her find together. "She's a wild one." I mention. Norman smirked, "I know you are." He was such a dork at times.

It was getting late and we've spent the whole day in the ocean. My skin didn't prune like I thought it would, but Norman said it was because mermaid have special skin so that doesn't happen. We pulled ourselves on the beach and I morphed back faster than Norman. I quickly ran to the house so I could shower all the sand off me. "I'm showering. It'll be five minutes." I kissed his chest and went to shower.

When I got out Norman was cooking on the stove. "Anything good?" I asked. "Yeah, Mac and Cheese." He winked and pulled me into his arms. "You feel okay? Like emotionally?" Norman asked and brushed a few pieces of hair behind my ear. "I'm fine. I feel great. Nothing to worry about." I kissed his lips again, feeling the eagerness behind them. He glided his tongue across my bottom lip and I smiled, giving him access to my mouth. His mouth was soft and rough at the same time. He kissed with such passion and no hesitation. I don't know how long we made out, but I seemed like hours. Norman pulled back to finish the Mac and Cheese.

As we ate some food, I mentioned to Norman about telling Sean. "Tomorrow. We'll go to his place and you can morph in his pool." I nodded. I was really excited to surprise Sean with my new ability. "The ocean wasn't so scary today either. I liked it. I could stay there forever. I don't hate it anymore." Norman seemed pleased. "That's awesome! I'm glad you like it. Wait until I show you some of the old caves and coral reefs. They are amazing." Norman told me about his swimming adventures and all the places he's been. It was crazy and sounded fun. "We should go on a trip once I learn to swim better. You and me, maybe even ask Sean." Norman liked the idea. "Absolutely!"

Eventually it was time for bed. It was nearing three when we finally rolled in and tried to sleep. Norman was curled up around me, kissing my neck. I fell asleep slowly with him pressed against me.

🐳Three more chapters left!

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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