The Sound of a Soul

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Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater.

A/N: This story was originally up on my Quizilla account but I’ve decided to revise all of my works and edit them as I see fit.  This chapter was actually much shorter before I edited it and now is twice as long.  Thanks and please review.

The Sound of a Soul

By: MentalVerin

Chapter 1

"Melly-chan~" the little black cat called out.

A girl with grey-white hair turned around and looked down at Blair the magic cat.  The teenager wore her hair short in the back, the softer hairs brushing at her neck, and long in the front, her bangs slightly obscuring her face from curious eyes.  Her dark red eyes smiled happily as she greeted her cat friend who ran up to her.  Melly felt a light breeze brush against her and made the fabric of her clothes ruffle a bit.  Her short, black miniskirt fluttered against her legs, covered by black leggings that stopped at mid-calf and clung to her slim limbs.  The ruffles that were the sleeves of her blue top moved delicately against the lightly tanned skin of her arms as she reached up and brushed her bangs from her eyes so that she could see her friend more clearly, resulting in the gold bangles around her wrists to chime together slightly and glint in the afternoon sun.  The beige colored tank top underneath her shirt hugged her body snuggly as the soft, loose fabric of her shirt skim against her.

"Hey, Blair-chan," she replied and kneeled down to scratch the cat's head. She purred loudly as the girl stoked the cat’s soft fur.

"Hey, Melly, guess what!" Blair cheered. "I found a new owner and they're really nice. They're students from Shibusen."

Melly smiled. "I'm glad to hear it," she said. "If Jim didn't live with me, I would let you stay at my house."

"It's okay, Melly-chan. Maka-chan and Soul-kun are really nice and make me fish every night."

The girl smiled and Blair smiled back.

Suddenly the sound of a boy’s voice could be heard calling Blair's name.

"Blair! Blair! Damnit! Why did Maka send me after that cat?" the boy’s voice yelled through the crowd of people.

"Blair-chan, looks like someone is looking for you," Melly said.

"Oh! It's Soul-kun! C'mon Melly! I wanna introduce you," Blair said before running off towards the voice.

A smile lighted upon the girl’s face before she followed after her friend. She led Melly to a boy with spiky white hair and red eyes. He wore a blue long-sleeve shirt that hung loosely around his torso and a pair of blue skinni-jeans as he looked around the area, supposedly looking for Blair.  Melly stumbled slightly as she admired the boy.  His skin was tanned and as the light winds of the day went by him, it pressed his shirt to his torso and allowed Melly the chance to view defined muscles.  He had a slightly bored look in his eyes as he turned on the spot, searching in all directions for Melly’s cat companion.  As said cat ran towards him, dodging the legs and feet of the people who got in her way, Melly looked at his feet and saw he wore a pair of plain white tennis-shoes that were worn and had light graying streaks from their use.  He was a handsome boy and Melly blushed slightly at her inner confession.

"Blair!" he called again.  The girl caught sight of sharp, shark-like teeth as he called out for the cat again.  Melly’s mood dropped as she realized what this discovery meant but kept a smile so as to keep Blair from noticing her despair.

"Soul-kun!" Blair called out to him and ran up to his feet.

"Blair, where have you been?" he asked.

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