(3) Fear

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This song, as well as the chapter are dedicated to marinaioana,

Things sometimes don't work our way and we get hurt, but we must always remember that light is still present in our life :)

Happy reading, loves




Ring Riiiiiing Riiiiiiing

"Mmmm", I muttered, covering my face with the blanket "Leave me alone humans"

As the ring at the door was persistent, I got out of my bed with a killing stare. I hated people interrupting my sleep.

"WHAT", I demanded, opening the door.

I must say, the look on the postman was priceless, it really made waking up worth it.

"I-uh-", he stuttered as he gulped,"Post, miss, you've got post"

"U-huh", I said, retrieving the post cards.

"O-okay", he said and then scurried away down the stairs.

HA! What a scardy cat.

Jim would laugh his pants off at the sight of this, I thought.

Bills, bills, bills, Magadan


So my parents sent me a letter?

Dropping the other envelopes, I opened the letter.

You see, Magadan was my and my brother's place of birth. It's where we lived with our parents for more than we ever wanted. We hated them.

That's one of the reasons why Alexei flew to the other end of the country. To escape them.

And I, as soon as I turned the right age, I came to live with him, against my parents wishes.

Oh, and that felt great. Defying them was my childhood favorite memory.

Good day, my daughter

I hope this letter reaches you in a good time.
You know very well that next month your 19th celebration is occuring and we are honored to invite you and you're brother home.
We know we haven't been the best of parents and that we have our differences but, truth is,
We miss you.
We hope you'll take this invitation on a serious tone and accept.
Please respond to confirm your presence.

Your mother.


I couldn't read it in any other tone than her sharp and bossy one.

I tossed the letter in a corner of the room and brushed the hair out of my face.

No way in hell I'm going to that.

Levis saw my anger and ran toward me, jumping on my leg.

"Yes, baby, I guess I'm in a somewhat of a pickle."


First, let me hop out the motherf***' Porsche
I don't want her if that a*s don't sit like a horse-

Nasty freestyle was blasting from the inside of Alexei's car as I bobbed my head to it.

"Thanks again for the ride, brother", I said.

"I was driving in town anyway, Chessy, no problem", he said with a smile.

"I got a letter from them", I said after some minutes passed.

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