(7) Family

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"You've been in a comma for three days, love", he said, looking at the floor.


I tried looking at the floor too, to see what was so interesting down there.

I snapped my head back at him as he said "How are you feeling?"

Shitty. Like a truck hit me and a dozen of penguins walked over me

"Oh great, just great mate", I said, pursing my lips.

He huffed, coming closer to me, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Chessaya", he said, licking his lips "Who's Ignacio?"

My eyes almost jumped out of orbit as I opened my mouth, lost for words.


"Wha- I"

"You kept whispering his name"

Well fuck

Thankfully, the doctor interrupted us, barging in the room.

"...And how are we feeling on this lovely Sunday?", he cheerfully said.

"Great doc", I smiled "What date is it today?"

"31st of October, darling"

Oh, my birthday's tomorrow

Barging in, after the doctor, were my brother and Katrina, his fiancé .

"We got here as fast as we could", he said, at a loss of air "Are you alright, baby sister?"

"Jesus", I said, pausing to cough "Stop calling me that, you lil' bitch"

"Chessy, are you fine or nah?!"

I swear he's retarded

"Yeah man, I'm a'right", I said, laughing.

He was laughing too, resulting in Kat smacking his arm.

"I actually really did want to meet with you, just not here", Katrina said, a little sad.

"Oh okay girl, drinks at Jim's then?"

"Now?! I think it's a little early for Rew's", she said, laughing.

"Okay, guys, it's getting crowded", doc said "Family only"

Leo and Katrina exited with concerned looks, while Alexei took a sit where Leo was recently.

He took my hand in his, warming it. I didn't even feel cold until now.

"You always had warm hands"

"You always had a warm soul", he whispered "I hope you're not wasting it again"

"What are you saying?"

"Please tell me this was because of stress or some fast food bacteria", he said "Please tell me you weren't gone on the other world"


"I wish I could"

He chewed on his inside cheek, deeply thinking.

"What did you do there?", he finally asked.

"I... met with a friend"

He looked at me with piercing eyes, making me see unasked questions, him being too cautious on this to put them in dialog.

He wanted to know more, he wanted to know everything.

But I couldn't tell him. Ignacio was mine, I couldn't share him.

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