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As a bird, balance is the most important thing for when you take your flight. The wings one has need to always be in place for the winds life brings.

There's a thin balance, that needs to be kept all times, in order to avoid a crash.

Darkness and light are in the same situation.


Rain was starting to make it's way downtown, covering the air with a sharp musty scent.

"Can you not be such a pansy?Just tell me", I said.


"Come oooon Adam", I begged "Tell me!"

"No", he rolled his eyes.

"Tell me tell me tell me tell-"

Finally giving in, on a distressed and desperate tone, he said"It's from Bunny, okay?!"

A moment of silence came as I attentively noticed his irritated face and then, exploded again.


"Don't yell! People will hear you!"

"So?", I said, wiping my tears away.

"Do you even have any idea of what my name could bring me in my neighborhood? I wouldn't live another day for fuck's sake"

"Okay fine, let's go already"

"Hey, Chessaya?"

"What?We need to go"

"Yeah, I just- I remembered something and I kinda need to know"

I nodded my head, so he could continue.

"The art-vigilante, was it you?", he asked with penetrating eyes.

"Not exactly", I honestly said. "It was a force protecting me, though I don't know where from, light or darkness"


"What do you need me to do more exactly?", Adam asked

"A donation"

"A what?", he asked confused.

"A blood donation"

"It's not that hard, really", Alexei told Adam.

Still looking like a man asked him for pears from the willow tree, I felt like I needed to explain.

"Ignacio is his name", I quietly started "He's a remaining shadow from the war that's been in contact with me for the past months"

"Well... Have you tried charms, spells? Banishing curses? I know a few myself if you wanna-"

"No, that won't be necessary", I firmly stated. "He's a friend, not a Nazi ghost"

"Um", mumbled Adam, now baffled.

"I want to do a spell so I kill him myself, it's the only way he'll be reborn"

"Wait... That would mean you'd have to have both light and darkness in yourself, baring the supreme power of magic and having the sublime balance of both and that- You'd have to be the goddess Adrestia", he said, rolling his eyes.

A pause followed, along with the most scared look mixed with a surprised one that I've ever seen on Bunny's face.

"Oh no"

"Oh yes", I calmly said.

"You're the Adrestia?!"

"Well, I never actually associated myself with that name, but yes, I technically am a reincarnation of the most cursed and tormented ancient creature, baring light and darkness, having a war and also balance inside me all the time", I said, mimicking him, and catching my breath at the end.

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