(6) Departed

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#RoundTwo of Chessaya's mental breakdown below



I'm an addict. I'm an addict for love.

I stopped using a long time ago, because I knew of it's repercussions.

It's a dangerous thing, this feeling. It can bring you higher than anything else, but it can also take you down, lower than hell's fire.

The trick is to find someone worth it. I always fall for the wrong ones, so that's why I've stopped letting myself do it.

I never know if I'm doing the right thing.

"Ignacio...", I whispered, half-asleep.


Instantly, I opened my eyes.

I was still standing completely covered in shatters, near the window. Only, this time, it was morning.

I must have fallen asleep

Rising up from the floor was incredibly hard, eating was harder.

Apparently, because of the crying and screaming and letting the cold air enter last night by breaking the window, I had a headache and a sore neck.

I couldn't even talk.

Imagine myself when I arrived at the uni.

"Chessaya, mah gurl!", Adam shouted "Whaddup"

We stared at each other for about 30 seconds, Adam waiting for my reply. Until he got tired and asked me what was wrong.

I pointed at my neck and he mimicked a long "Oooh", in understanding.

"Oh well, I got this awesome thing my mamma taught me", he said on a serious tone "Come with me, we're going to the cafeteria"

"Mm-mm", I shook my head disapprovingly.

I tried saying that I had piano class, but my voice was completely lost.

"Chessa my man, stop using your voice, you'll only make it worse"

And so, I let myself be carried away by him.

After an hour or so, he prepared something from an egg and honey and some other crap he randomly found there.

Only after I drank the final liquid and saw that my voice was working again did I realize that the things he put in weren't random at all.

He was a pure genius.

"Oh my god", I whisper-talked "I can talk"

"Yeah, but don't push it, let your voice rest for a while"

I nodded in agreement, and he looked at me with a strange look.


"Your eyes, Chessaya", he whispered concerned "You've been crying"

I looked down as quickly as I could, embarrassed.

Oh, Adam, you wouldn't understand

No one could

"What happened?", he asked, bending to look at my face "Did someone upset you? Should I go all gangsta and ruffle the bitch?"

I let out a soft laugh as I listened to my loyal friend.

Only if you could, and even then the answer would be a no

"No, brah", I raised my head wearing a forced smile "No need, it's nothing"

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