(5) Adam

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Hello again, my dear readers

This one's a bonus, Adam perspective.

This one's for you.



Adam B. Stomper p.o.v.

Poker-faced, cold blooded gambler.

"C'mon boy, tell me what ya got", his thick voice demanded.

"Are you sure, old man?", I asked, with a wicked smile on my face.

Luck was upon me tonight.

Royal flush, bitch

As I showed him my cards, his mouth twisted from a confident smile to a sad, sad curve downwards.

I grabbed the money mountain from the table, hearing the usual 'You always win you motherfucker' or 'Stop cheating Adam'.

Hah, those bitches don't even know how to play poker.


Either the street lights were too powerful or I sat in too much cigar smoke.

I don't smoke. It costs too much.

"Money for the poor, sir, I beg of you", an elder, hunched woman spoke.

Pulling 6000 rubles (that's about 100 dollars)  from my sports bag, I gave them to the poor woman and continued my way.

I liked my sports bag, it was big enough to contain all my wins from poker night.

Or poker nights, I should say.

You see, I had to do something to pay my college. It was the only way for me, as I had no rich family. I only had left my mamma.

Growing up in the ghetto had been hard at the beginning, but I managed and, I must say, it was going pretty good.

Thug life had chosen me from the beginning.

"Yo, Leya", I greeted my neighbor "What's good"

Leya was leaving off dealing. I used to help her too, a year or two ago. But poker began being my passion shortly after.

As she counted the drug money, she paused for 2 seconds to look at me.

"Counting the cheese from last night", she said, and returned to it "I see you've got some winnings as well"

"The usual"

We broke off shortly, as I climbed the stairs to the second story.

As I took the key out, the door creaked and opened by it self.

"Fuck", I hissed "Not again"

I entered slowly inside, pulling my black revolver.

"You better show yourself now, prick", I barked.

After a regular search, I concluded I was alone in the small apartment.

Then, I remembered.

I began searching through the whole apartment, but it wasn't anywhere to be found.

The cross necklace my mamma gave me. It was gold made and I never wore it to poker, as I couldn't risk bringing it in the game if I was losing and had no money left on me.

That only happened once, a long time ago. Still, I couldn't have risked losing it.

And now it was gone.

The nigga that had it was going to die.


Short, ain't it? An intro is an intro, though.

What do you think? Do you like Adam?

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Also, would you like to know what the B in Adam B. Stomper stands for? First who guesses wins a dedication to the next chapter.


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