(4) One

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As you might have noticed, this chapter has the same name as Ed Sheeran's song in the attached link.

Now, think this through. I always give meaningful titles.

One... Which one then?

~Enjoy :)

And Don't forget to vote!

The mug before me was trembling from my shaky hands and small waves were made in the black tea.

I was little by little lost in its blackness as Alexei kept talking, with no one to listen.
Or maybe Levis did.

"...can't do this shit without telling me, you know what happened the last time"

That last time I had a vision that I was being drawn to the darkness. If I wouldn't have eventually told him... Who knows, maybe the war between darkness and light would've ended differently. A bad kind of different.

"It's not like that", I began.

"Of course it's like that! Have you no reason at all? For all we know, anything could happen inside a parallel world or vision or what the heck that was. You could have been-"


As I interrupted him, he stared dumbfounded at me, like I've insulted his fiancé or something.

"I know the risks, brother, but I couldn't have just sat and waited to see if any other dude that merely insulted me got wounded, alright?"

"Right, who insulted you, by the way? Does he need another cut by any chance? I got my good knife with me."

"I think he's fine with the cuts he has", I said on a serious tone "Just drink your tea"

He smirked and then gulped down the rest of the liquid.

"I gotta go, if you need anything-"

"I'll call", I said, rolling my eyes as I recalled the last time I did so.

He grimaced and continued "I'm serious baby sister, call, this time I promise I'll answer", he said, almost reading my thoughts.

"Go, you assbutt, yo wife's waiting!"

He laughed, mumbling "Future wife" under his breath, and then walked towards the door.
"Call!", he shouted right after he exited.

Pulling my long sleeves, I patted my forearms on the cuts I had. These I didn't tell Alexei about. It wasn't really alright, after all. Only black magic comes from blood sacrifice and I didn't want Alexei to bother about serious shit like this.

He had a wedding to plan, errands to run, a wife to attend.

This was my problem.


As the college was closed for the rest of the week, due to that dick's 'accident', as they called it, I was free.

I took another sip from my cold mocha and read another page from my book. The sky, as seen from up here on the top of the flat, was mostly clouded.

Truth is, I never liked clear skies. I saw no beauty in them. Still, clouded skies bore more than beauty inside them. They had mystery and wonder. I can say I could've easily gotten lost in them little by little. They remembered me of the silence before a rain or a storm. And the transition between white and black was just right, fitting in perfectly with the colors of the city.

Oh, yes. This was a good day.

"I thought you'd be here"

I almost dropped my book as I heard the deep voice, coming from behind me.

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