Chapter 20

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Zayn’s POV;

The next morning I woke up next to Anna and noticed I was holding her hand. I quickly pulled it back without waking her and layed down on my back and started thinking about all sorts of things. ‘How can I figure out my exact feelings for Anna? Would do I do when it turns out I’m in love with her? We’re going to live together. I’m so excited for today and tomorrow..’ and many, many more thoughts. I noticed Anna turned around and layed down on her stomac with her head turned towards me and she started opening her eyes. ‘Morning’ I said and she just smiled, still looking sleepy. She was the cutest when she just woke up and still looked sleepy. She then looked to the other side to check out what time it was and quickly sat up. ‘Sh*t, we’re supposed to be down and ready to leave in 30 minutes!’ she said to me with wide eyes and I just laughed at her. ‘What?!’ she then yelled giving me a pat on the chest. ‘Auch’ I replied playfully while putting my hands on the spot she’d hit. ‘Ugh, you can be so annoying sometimes!’ Anna said while getting up, walking towards her bag. She grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to change. ‘You know I am!’ I yelled after her and she turned around and stuck out her tongue before closing the bathroom door. I smiled and started thinking we were like this couple teasing eachother. I also changed and by the time Anna came out of the bathroom I was all ready to go, exept, we still needed breakfast and only had 15 minutes left to get it. ‘Lets quickly get some sandwiches at the bar and eat them in front while we wait for our parents’ I suggested and Anna nodded. We quickly walked downstairs and as we walked into the bar our parents were already there sipping on some coffee. ‘Hey guys’ my mom said and we both gave her a smile. ‘We’ll finish our coffee and then leave’ my dad replied and I nodded. ‘We’ll get some sandwiches and eat them outside’ Anna said and all parents nodded agreeing with that. We got our sandwiches and sat down on the stairs in front of the hotel. ‘So, you know what kinda style you want for the house?’ I asked Anna. ‘Well, I was thinking modern but with one color, maybe red? What do you think?’ ‘Sounds good, I trust you.’ I answerred and she smiled. ‘You do need to say if you don’t want something ok?! Promise me! It’s your house too.’ and I nodded, she was right it’d be our house but I wanted her to feel at home there, I’d just adjust, all I wanted for her is to have a home away from her parents where she felt save. ‘Lets go’ dad said standing behind us and so we all got into the car and drove towards the furniture shopping mall.  

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