Chapter 6

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The school day went by super fast and surprisingly I didn't get any shit from Mr. Blake today. When I got home it was 3:45 so I decided to eat a quick snack I walked to the pantry and got out a fruit roll up. When I finished it i went up stairs to do some home work. First Math "all I gotta do is put my mind to this shit cancel out my X and put a line through that bitch." I sang I can't help but think of math when I hear that. I finally got done with my homework and it was 4:56 so I got into the shower and got dressed.
My outfit is
• Crop top that says bitch don't kill my vibe
• high wasted shorts
• Nike
I actually put on makeup this time because it's actually a date. Then my phone buzzed
Kian😍: Hey beautiful I can't wait for the date actually can't wait are you ready now I can just pick you up.

Well I just need to brush my hair then I'll be good.
Me: Yeah I'm ready!
Kian😍: Alright I'll be there in 10

I brushed my hair grabbed my purse and went downstairs waiting for Kian.
My mom was in the kitchen eating and she kept smiling at me.
"What are you smiling at?" I asked
"You and Kian are so cute and it's so obvious you two like each other."
"Yeah I guess I like him, but it probably won't happen he doesn't like me." I didn't want her to know that I was listening to there conversation a couple days ago.
"That's what you think."
- at the fair -
"What do you wanna do first?" Kian asked.
"Well I would like to eat because I haven't eaten dinner yet."
"Okay let's go get some hotdogs." He said grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers.
After we got done eating we went to go play some games.
Kian insisted on playing some game where you have to knock over bottles to win this HUGE bear that's almost bigger than I am.
"I almost got it I have one more bottle and two more balls!" Kian said
"Okay you go Kian" I laughed
He didn't hit it the first time but he got it the second time.
"I told you I would."
The man handed him the gigantic bear and Kian gave it to me.
"For you."
"Awe thanks kian!" After that kian wanted to go on the Ferris wheel since he won me the bear I said why not.
When we finally got to the top the ride stopped.
"Kian what's going on im terrified of heights!" I yelled.
"Shh don't be scared im right here." He said pulling me onto his lap.
Kian sighed.
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing just something is on my mind."
"Well let's hear it." I said turning around straddling him.
"Well I just have been meaning to ask you something."
"Okay go ahead im all ears."
* Kian's POV *
"Listen I really really like you and I have ever since you came to our school. Before you came I would try to get with every girl I could and when I saw you that all changed. When im around you I get butterflies in my stomach, my heart skips a beat, no one else matters but you and I've never felt this way about anyone in my whole life. Elizabeth will you please be my girlfriend?" I've never poured my heart out to anyone like that.
"Oh my god Kian that's so sweet of course I'll be your girlfriend!" She said hugging me.
"I thought you'd never ask." She whispered.
"Im glad I did."
After she said that the ride started going again.
The rest of the date went smoothly we only got stopped by a few fans and they were all supportive. Elizabeth ended up winning some weird hat and wore it the entire date she is so weird and funny im so glad I can call her mine.

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