Chapter 5

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               * Sam's POV *
I was sitting at lunch waiting for all the boys and Elizabeth when I saw Camilla walking towards me my hands started getting sweating and my heart started beating faster.
"Hey Sam." She smiled kindly. I swear her smile was worth one million dollars.
"Hey what's up?" I asked trying to play it off
"Well listen I saw your video on O2l yesterday and I just wanna say that's really sweet."
"Yeah thanks." I blushed
"May I sit?" She asked
"Yeah sure go ahead."
She sat down and we had small talk and we exchanged numbers when everyone else walked in and sat down.
"Hey Camilla!" Jc said.
"Hi I'm Elizabeth." She said holding her hand out Camilla gladly shook it "im Camilla."
                  * Elizabeth's POV *
I don't know what it was about Camilla but I have a feeling that we are going to be great friends. "So who wants to go to Starbucks after school?" She asked. There it is that's why I feel we're going to be great friends.
"Im down." I said. And the rest of the boys agreed.
School went by pretty slowly but when it was over I got into the car with kian and we all drove to Starbucks.
It turns out me and Camilla have so much in common and she's really funny. I totally ship her and Sam. SAMILLA!
"Kian will you take me home?" I asked on the way out the door kian was in front of me and I slipped on a rock and nearly fell on my face, Kian caught me and pulled me to him. He looked back and forth from my eyes to my lips and started to lean in before I knew it his soft lips were on mine i kissed back and our lips moved in sync and I definitely felt something between us when he pulled away he smiled and I was as red as a tomato.
"You're a great kisser." He said I just blushed and walked back to the car.
Kian dropped me off at my house.
"Be ready tomorrow at 7:00." He winked.
"Will do."  I kissed him on the cheek and walked inside.
"Hey baby how was your day?" My mom said.
"It was AMAZING!" I yelled jumping around like a little kid.
"What happened?"
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I said walking upstairs.
When I sat down on my bed my phone buzzed
Kian😍: Hey beautiful, I can't stop thinking about that kiss. ❤️💑💏
Me: Lol I can't either 😉😏
Kian😍: So what do wanna do tomorrow for our date?
Me: Well I think I heard something about a fair being in town?
Me: I though you wanted a fancy date LOL😂
Kian😍: Come on me and you both know that we would both rather go to a fair than a fancy dinner
Me: Alright you got me there😅
Kian😍: okay I will see you at school tomorrow it's already 9:30 and i need to get a good nights rest. Goodnight beautiful ❤️😘❤️
Me: Goodnight beautiful 😂
Wow 9:30? Have we really been talking that long? Damn. I went to go get a shower and went to bed with the biggest smile on my face.

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