Chapter 9

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* Elizabeth's POV *
- over the weekend -
I didn't leave my room at all over the weekend unless I had to get food or had to pee, buts that's it. My mom has been trying to talk to me about what happened but I can't do it. I don't know why I'm so upset about what happened he's a player he goes from girl to girl I should've know it was going to happen. That day in math class that person called it.
* Camilla's POV *
I was sitting at my desk at home watching YouTube when my phone started ringing I looked at it. Unknown number? I decided to answer it because why not.
"Hey Camilla." A familiar voice said.
"Yeah, but listen I need you to help me." He said
"With what?! Elizabeth already told me everything that happened. I can't believe you did that to her!" I said starting to get angry.
"No listen that's not how it happened let me explain please." He pleaded.
"You have 2 minutes go."
Once kian got done explaining I felt really bad for yelling at him.
"Oh my god im so sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you. What can I do to help?"
* Elizabeth's POV *
While I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling my phone buzzed it was Camilla.
Camilla😚: What's up bitch be ready in 15 were going to Starbucks.
I didn't feel like going anywhere but how could I say no to Starbucks?
Me: Fine but your buying.
Camilla😚: Ugh fine whatever just get your lazy ass ready!
Me: okay.
I got ready and grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I sat down on the couch and as soon as I did I heard a car honk. When I walked outside Camilla had a huge smile on her face bigger than usual I knew something was up.
"Hey what's up?!" Camilla yelled to cheerfully.
"Spill it what's going on?" I asked. When I finished the sentence I heard all of the car doors lock.
"Camilla what's going on?" I said almost yelling.
She nodded her head towards the back seat and then the boy that made my heart go 100,000 miles an hour, but the same boy that broke my heart a few days ago on the beach popped up.
"What the fuck Camilla?!" I yelled.
"No Elizabeth just please let him explain." I sighed and rolled my eyes.
* Kian's POV *
"Elizabeth when we were at the beach and we were running to the water I tripped over something. When I looked up it turns out that something was a someone and that someone was a fan. She asked for a picture and I said yes. After she took the picture I thanked her for supporting me and she kissed me. I tried to get her off of me I really did but every time I got her off she got right back on. Then after you took off running she said 'now where were we?' And I yelled at her and called her a bitch and ran after you. But when I got to my car I couldn't see you so I was out for a really long time looking for you and it didn't help. Elizabeth I would never do that to you, you've changed me so much and have made me a better person. I really want a second chance. Please Elizabeth.
I-I think I love you." I finished starting to get choked up.
She didn't say anything for a few seconds but finally spoke.
"I think I love you too Kian." She smiled.
I leaned forward and kissed her lips gently. Oh how I've missed the touch of her lips on mine.
"Elizabeth will you please forgive me and be my girlfriend." I asked.
"I will."
Camilla started clapping and cheering.
"GET SOME LIZ!" She yelled
Liz started to laugh.
"So can we go to Starbucks now?" Liz asked.
"Oh. I wasn't actually going to take us I just wanted to get you to back together. But sure I guess so. HEY AFTER THAT LETS ALL GO SHOPPING!" Camilla said.
"Oh my god yes!" I squealed trying to impersonate her.
"Let me go get my wallet since we're going shopping." Liz said and walked inside.
"Im gonna text Sam to come to because I don't wanna be the third wheel." Camilla laughed.
When Liz got back into the car she had her purse in her hand and a million dollar smile on her face. She sat in the back with me snuggling up close to me.
When we got to the mall Sam was waiting for Camilla on a bench.
"Hey babe!" Sam yelled.
Wait are they a thing?
"Hey." She ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Awe does little Sammy have a girlfriend?" Liz said sounding like a baby.
"Shut up. Yes I do she's all mine." He said kissing her cheek.
Me and Liz started making gagging noises. They just rolled there eyes and started walking hand in hand.
* Elizabeth's POV *
We walked past Victoria secret and saw lingerie in the window.
"I'd like to see you in that." Kian whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
"Maybe one day." I winked.
"IM HUNGRY!" Sam pouted.
"Your girlfriend is right there!" I yelled laughing. Camilla just glared at me.
"Oh my god that's nasty!" Sam said.
"Me and you both know you want her." I laughed.
We just walked to the noodles and company inside the mall and ate.
I wasn't really hungry so I just watched every one eat and decided why not say some real nasty shit while there eating.
"LOOK AT THIS TESTICLE!" I yelled earning stares from old people sitting around us.
"Okay im not hungry anymore." Camilla said pushing away her chicken noodle soup.
"Yeah same." Sam and kian agreed.
It was getting close to 8:00 when we all decided it was time to go.
"It's Saturday night I think this calls for a.....wait for it......SLEEPOVER!!!" Sam yelled.
"Oh my god yas!" I yelled
"Okay Elizabeth and Kian your on setting up duty. Sam and I are on movie duty!" Camilla yelled. We all nodded out heads in agreement.
Kian spoke "MISSION SLEEPOVER BEGIN!" And we were off.

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