(XV) My Love Will Get You Higher

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Luke suddenly got a raging urge to rush upstairs and see Calum.

He walked past the the front door, leaving it wide open. He was really anxious to see Calum. There was something literally drawing him upstairs. Why; he didn't know. But that's how he felt ever since he met Calum. A pure rush of unpredictable emotions.

Once up the stairs, he walked right down to their room. "Hey..." Luke greeted as he walked inside. The room was dark, all but a dying candle on Calum's corner.

Calum was giving Luke his back. He was laying down on the bed, not making a move. His new black covers weren't covering his body properly, and Luke could see Calum's naked bum and his soft skin.

He walked up to Calum, dying to give him a kiss right on his shoulder blade for some reason.

When he walked up to Calum, everything in him turned upside down.

Calum's had a white vomit slipping down his mouth. His lips had gone blue, his face was pale. He randomly gave a sudden twitch, then another one. The fuzzy white stuff kept coming out of his mouth.

Luke, concerned, grabbed the boy's cold wrist, and felt around for a pulse, and panicked when there was none to be found. He started shaking him up, but Calum remained dozed off. He opened Calum's eyes, and they were empty. Bleak.

Luke's heart started pounding twenty times faster. He started tapping Calum's cheeks. "Wake up, Cal," Luke said, his voice cracking.

"Stop playing, mate," he started shaking Calum's shoulder forcefully. "Wake the fuck up!"

Luke began to quiver. His hands began to shake, unable to stay still.

He took his phone, trying really hard not to drop it when his hands were being agitated. The first number he called was Michael's:

The machine answered. "Sorry, the number you have dialled is currently unavailable." Then he was transmitted to voice mail.

"M-Mike, pick up you prick. I'm really scared-Calum isn't waking up, and he's not b-b-breathing, I don't know what to do!"

He hung up. Then he called Ashton, who didn't answer either.

"Fuck!" Luke cursed, throwing his phone on the bed. He picked up Calum's lifeless body and put him on his lap, hot tears streaming down his cheeks. He really didn't want to think the worst, but Calum wasn't breathing.

He felt so scared. Luke was trembling from his spine, all throughout all of his bones. Calum wasn't moving, and Calum was his life. Luke couldn't lose Calum. Even though he'd only known the boy for a little over a month, he loved him. He loved him so much. He was in love with him, from the moment he first saw him.

He spotted pills on a corner of the bed, white pills, scattered everywhere. He picked up the prescription bottle that read, MALI-KOA HOOD PRESCRIBED ANTI-DEPRESSANTS.

"Fuck," Luke cursed once a again. There was also a white powder over Calum's bedside table.

He must have overdosed.

That's when Luke knew he had to take action, he had to get the drugs out of Calum's system before he lost him.

He was about to call an ambulance, but this was his Calum. He would be the one to save him. An ambulance could take too long, and Luke wouldn't risk it with Cal's life.

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