Chapter 5

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August 23, 1979, Tatum O'neal's house, Los Angeles, CA

Michael Jackson's POV

I just showed up to Tatum's house since she said she had a surprise for me. I knock on the door and her maid opens the door. She tells me that Tatum is upstairs in her room so I go to her room. Once I get to her room, the door is wide open. I step in and the door closes behind me. "Why did you close the-", before I can finish she shushes me by putting her finger on my lips. She then pushes me on the bed and climbs on top of me. Knowing what she is trying to do, I cover my eyes. I'm not ready for this, I'm too young for this. After what seems like forever, she climbs off of me and tells me to leave. "I'm sorry Tatum I-", "It's okay Michael, I shouldn't rush you into things your not ready for". "Oh yeah Michael, I think it's best if we see other people. We're just too different". "I agree Tatum. You take care of yourself though", I say. "You too Mike, you too". I then escort myself out. I call my driver to come pick me up. 

What do I do now? I don't have to work today, I don't feel like being bombarded by fans today so shopping is out of the question. Wait I know, I can go to Destiny's house. Speaking of Destiny, I haven't talked to her since the party. I wonder how she's doing. I instruct my driver to take me to her house. I can't wait to see my best friend.

Destiny Myers' POV

I am sitting at home just thinking. I can't get what Tatum told me out of my head. 'Stay away from him or you'll regret it', what does she mean by that anyway? As I'm thinking about any and everything, I get a knock on my door. Who could that be? I go open the door and Michael is standing there. "Hi Dessy Wessy", he says shyly. "Hi Michael", I say. "What are you doing here?". "Well I just came from Tatum's house-", her name makes me cringe, "and I needed something to do". "Oh", I say. It makes me kind of sad that I was his second option after Tatum, well that is his girlfriend so. I let him in and we sit down. "So how's Tatum", I ask trying to make small talk. "She's good. We broke up.", he says. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that". "What happened?". "Well she invited me to her house and her idea of fun was totally different from mine". "I guess you can say I'm pretty naive". 

"Yeah, so am I", I say. Silence. "Why have you been avoiding me lately", Michael suddenly blurts out. I debate on whether or not I should tell him. I don't want to lie to him, but then again I don't want to cause any problems between him and Tatum. "Oh I just been busy with work", I say not making eye contact. "Oh okay". Ugh, I hate lying to people. "Well since your not busy right now, you wanna do something?", I ask trying to forget the fact that I just lied to one of my best friends. "Sure. What do you have in mind", he asks. "Want to watch a movie?", I ask. "Only if it's Peter Pan", he says. I walk over to my collection of Disney movies and luckily I have Peter Pan. "Here it is", I say showing it to Michael who is smiling like a little kid on Christmas. 

I smile and put the movie in. "Hey Mikey, want some popcorn?". "Sure". I go and make the popcorn and come back in the living room to see that the movie has all of Michael's attention. I put the bowl of popcorn in between us and start to watch the movie. All of a sudden Michael says, "Hey Dessy, would you like to meet my family?". I am taken back a little because I never thought he would ask me that, well at least so soon, but what could possibly go wrong? "Sure Mikey. When?". "Is tomorrow around 4 okay?". I have nothing to do tomorrow so why not? "Sure". He writes down the address of his family's home, Hayvenhurst, and then we finish watching the movie. Boy am I nervous...

-Chapter 5! Chapter 6 may be up tonight I'm not sure yet.

-By the way, I know that is not how the whole Tatum and Michael situation played out, it's only for the sake of the story.



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