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Is it strange that I can't seem to remember anything before the age of 3? All I seem to remember is the sound of screaming and things falling. I don't remember my mom or my dad or any other of my siblings. All I know is what I've been told, that I was left at an orphanage by the people I'm supposed to love. I have so many questions with answers no where in sight . I stopped asking questions the moment I found out it was point less since I was not gonna get the answers I was looking for.

I'm currently 15 living in an orphanage with a bunch of other kids who I have grown to call my family. A year ago this new kid called Adam showed up looking like he had just been in a fire. His clothes were burnt and his skin was black and smoky. I could only make out his deep sea blue eyes and sandy blonde hair, but besides that everything else was covered in smoke. As soon as the door opened he collapsed on to the floor. Ms.Garcia, the nice lady who owns the orphanage ran to him and asked me to help her pick him up and take him to the couch that we had in the living room. We helped him onto the couch and Ms.Garcia asked me to watch him while she called her friend who also happened to be an E.R doctor to check up on him to see if there was any internal damage.

In the mean while there seemed to be no physical damage besides the fact that he collapsed on our front door. Maybe he was just tired or something. But that doesn't explain the black smoke covering his body. As soon as my hand reached out and touched his cheek bone he shot up panting heavily while he held my wrist tightly in his big hand. He looked at me with fearful and cold eyes " Who are you? Where am I? Why did you take me ?" He said while he looked around, "hey it's ok shh just calm down, your safe now no ones going to hurt you" I said in a soft voice while he still held my wrist tightly.

He pondered the information I just gave him for a while before repeating one of his questions while letting go of my wrist " what's your name" he said even more softly this time. I smiled sweetly before answering his question " Aiden, my names Aiden but my friends call me Luna." And that was the beginning of how I met Adam Milligan, my current best friend. Now Adam and I are currently sitting on the balcony of the room I got in this surprisingly nice orphanage I now call home since Adam and I are too old to be given homes. No one wants a teen who already knows what life is, everyone wants a baby to take care of and teach things to. Adam snapped me out of my thoughts with the closing of a book " ughhhh there is nothing to do here" he groans loudly while shifting so his head in my lap, I playfully rolled my eyes while I started to play with his hair " there are things to do here, you just won't like any of them" I say while giggling at his pouting face, he then suddenly started to smirk and shot up out of my lap "I have an idea let's sneak out of here" I stared at him to make sure he wasn't just joking around but then I realized he was serious "what the hell are you thinking, you know we can't go out after curfew" I whisper harshly as if someone might hear us.

  " Come on s'mores don't be like that" he groans, I stare at him biting my lip actually considering his stupid idea. "First of all don't call me that name asshat, and second I'll only do it if one you promise we won't get caught and if we do get caught you take all the blame" I say fairly proud of my compromise. He smiled excitedly because I agreed to his little plan " deal I promise you won't regret it, now come on let's go." We walk back into my room and sneak past the other kids rooms to get down stairs. I stop as soon as I hear muffled voices of people talking. "Adam do you hear that" I whisper , I turn around to see tears in Adams eyes, but not tears of sadness more like tears of anger and frustration

"Adam?" I whisper his name again which seems to snap him out of the sorta daze he is in. "y-yah I'm okay" he says slightly above a whisper obviously lying to me, I walk back to him while still trying not to make too much noise and I slowly wrap my hands around his waist to hug him, he responds immediately hugging me to him tightly while putting his head in my neck and lets out of breathe of air I didn't know he was holding. I pull back slightly to look to him " Adam what's going on? Why are you crying do you know those guys" I say while looking at him caringly, I was so worried about Adam that I didn't notice the footsteps of people coming up the stairs.

As soon as Adam was about to answer I hear him gasp and look behind, I turn around and see two men, one tall with brown luscious locks and the other one a bit shorter but still tall with sandy blond hair like Adam and greenish eyes. They both have the same look on their faces that Adam does, "Dean, Sam?" "Adam?"............TO BE CONTINUED
* This is my first story please feed back is appreciated and I don't not own any of the characters from any of these three amazing shows, also Aiden/Luna had nothin to do with Aiden from teen wolf ~love izzy 😇😉😘

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