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Clara's POV

The world around me is pitch black, too dark for me to even see my hand in front of my face. I pull myself to my feet with a hand on the wall, a steel wall from the feel of it, and flinch as my legs tremble in pain. I sit back down and the sudden rush of movement startles me. My hands fly to my face and that's when I feel the liquid there. It's too dark to feel what kind of liquid is covering my face but from the pain I assume it's blood. The cage I'm in stops suddenly and I'm thrown across the cage with the violent movement. There's a loud pop and some metal grinding noises and then light floods the cage I'm in. I lift my arms to shield my eyes, panic rising in my chest. There's a slur of voices, all male, and I flinch back against the wall as tightly as I can with my legs pulled up to my chest.

"Welcome to the glade, greenie." A voice says, dropping into the box. "Bloody hell." He has a beautiful British accent and I can feel him coming closer.

With a deep breath I pull the arm away from my eyes and see him standing back several feet. He has dirty blonde hair that falls onto his forehead and wide brown eyes. And those eyes...I have the strangest feeling I've seen them before.

"What's going on Newt?" One of the many voices from above asks.
Newt? I know that name...

"It's a girl." He replies, his eyes never leaving mine.

My face scrunches in confusion. Why is it so confusing that I'm a girl?

"A girl?" The same deep voice from earlier asks before he drops into the box beside Newt. This man is only a little bit shorter than Newt and has very dark skin.

His eyes widen about as much as Newt's. "Gally?"

"Yeah?" I didn't need to look up to see another boy leaning over the cage. My eyes stayed glued to Newt's.

"Tell everyone to get back to work. Now!" The dark skinned one said. Newt stands beside him still amazed.

Chills go up my spine from all the talk above about having dibs and how they can pass me around and asking if I'm hot, etc. , that I shiver involuntarily and shrink farther away from the two looking at me.

"All you shanks get back to work! Stop worrying about the greenie right now, you'll know when you need to!" The voice, that I assume must belong to Gally, yells.

"Hey, it's okay, you're safe here. We won't hurt you." Newt tells me, taking a step closer.

My arms tighten around my legs and I press my back farther against the wall, if that was even possible. I flinched when something stabbed into my back, the movement causing my head to throb.

"We need to get her to Clint and Jeff. She's hurt." Newt tells the other man, without moving his gaze away from mine.

"Do you remember what happened? How you got hurt?" The other man asked.

I shook my head lightly, dropping it to my knees and flinching in pain again.

I looked up when I felt someone approaching me and relaxed slightly when I noticed it was Newt.

"Can you stand? We need to get you to someone who can help patch up your head." Newt spoke gently and his gaze held mine.

I could see the desperateness in his eyes and it alarmed me slightly. I glanced down at my hands and noticed they were both covered in blood. I was right, the liquid I felt was definitely blood. I stood slowly, my hand on the wall for support. My legs shook beneath me and I sighed and shook my head. Tears built in my eyes at the pain that flooded through my body. Why couldn't I remember anything? And why did everything hurt so bad? I whimpered slightly and leaned against the wall behind me, desperate to stay upright.

Newt reached out a hand to me, his eyes begging me to take it. I glanced at the boy behind him and then back to Newt feeling confident that I wasn't in danger. I reached out and wiped the blood on my pants before taking Newt's hand. He smiled at me and his arm wrapped around my waist, supporting me.

The other boy climbed out and leaned over the cage, arms outstretched. "Hand her to me so you can get out."

I shrank into Newt slightly and glanced at him. "It's okay, I got her." Newt carefully scooped me into his arms and held me against his chest tightly. I cringed at the pain the movement caused but remained quiet. Newt climbed a crate that was across from me and easily walked out of the cage with me cradled in his arms.

There were about twenty or more boys staring at me and I noticed there wasn't one other girl. My hands balled Newt's shirt and my head rested against his shoulder while he carried me. I could feel the slight limp he had with every step he took.

The other boy walked slightly ahead of us, looking at the group around us. "Get to work!" He yelled out.

"Alby! What's wrong with her? What happened?" The voice I recognized as Gally's asked, coming into view, close to the other boy who must be Alby.

"She doesn't remember but there's definitely a wound on her head. And it doesn't look good." Alby told Gally.

Gally glanced at me and frowned slightly, walking beside Alby. "I'll let them know you're bringing her." Gally sent a friendly smile my way before sprinting into the building we were heading towards.

I closed my eyes and strained to hear the movement around me. It was a long walk, well ride for me, to the building and I focused on staying awake by listening to Newt's heartbeats.

After a few moments I could feel Newt placing me lightly on a table, propping something soft under my head. Pain shot through me once more and I could feel myself succumbing to the blackness.

"She must have lost consciousness. Jeff, hurry up!" Newt yelled, stepping away from me. I felt someone uncurl my fingers and start cleaning my hands right before I lost my power and slipped into unconsciousness.

A/N: Comments and feedback welcomed! Please vote if you liked this so I know to post updates quickly☺
Also, I've updated a picture of what Clara looks like to me.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now