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A/N: Hey everyone! This is a very exciting chapter as a certain someone that has been stung causes some problems for Clara :) Friendly reminder that the words that are italicized are part of a dream that Clara has but there is one sentence a little later in the chapter that's also italicized that's not a part of a dream but there's a follow up statement after that one. Enjoy!

Clara's POV

The next time I woke up the sun was shining bright through our room and I could feel my body shivering under the thick blankets. There was sweat on my forehead so I knew I still had a fever but thankfully there wasn't anything left in my stomach to upset it. Then again my stomach was rumbling so I had to do something about that. I wrapped my blanket around myself and trudged down the steps and to the kitchen.

"Awwww there's my sick little she bean!" Fry Pan greeted me pushing a bowl of soup towards me. "I figured you'd be coming down soon."

I smiled the best I could and grabbed the bowl and slumped into my seat at the table.

"Clara, what are you doing up?"

I looked up as Newt walked in and sat down beside me. He put his hand to my head once again and sighed. "You're still burning up. I don't think that medicine is helping you any. I'll be back." He walked out and I was too tired to even watch him.

I woke up in my hammock, surprised at how I got there. Wasn't I eating breakfast?

"Oh good you're awake." Newt walked in the room with Jeff behind him.

"I don't know why this illness has hit you so hard but I've doubled up your meds. You should be feeling better by the end of the day so we'll just keep an eye on you." Jeff reported, walking over and feeling my forehead.

"How did I get here?" I whispered to Newt.

He grinned as he spoke. "Well, after you fell asleep at the breakfast table I carried you up and had Jeff put your medicine in a syringe. You've been sleeping for about seven hours now."

My eyes widened slightly as I pulled the blanket higher. "What happened?"

"We think Ben brought the virus in from the maze since Minho is sick now too. It should pass quickly though, Ben is up and going again. Just goes to show how delicate everything is around here." Newt replied, sitting down on a box beside my hammock. "Just get some more rest. You'll feel better the next time you wake up." He smiled lightly at me and I passed out once more.

I could feel the straps around me get tighter, pinning me to the metal table below me. My head was in some sort of brace and the tubes were being removed from me. I could hear the doctors talking but can't quite make out what they're saying. Except for the word electro shock. My eyes widened slightly and the machine that monitored my heart started beeping faster.

"Good, it's working. She's reacting appropriately. Remove the other subject from the room."

I searched for the source of the voice but couldn't see who had spoken. All I could see was a table being pushed from the room, a mop of blond hair on it. "Clara!"

Chills went down my spine as Newt screamed for me. What was happening? Why did he sound so scared and hurt? What were they going to do to him? I tried to see where they were taking him but the brace kept my head in place. So, I looked back up at the face now above me and gasped when the electricity flowed through my body. I let out an agonizing scream as it tore out of me and I could feel every inch of my skin sizzling.

I jolted awake, my heart pounding in my ears. I felt his hand on mine before I looked up to see him. My hand tightened around his as I tried to focus on what was happening. The concern shown in his eyes and I knew I must have screamed out in my sleep.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now