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Some commotion over by the homestead made me look up. A large group of the boys had started getting wood set up for the bonfire Alby had mentioned. I looked over at Newt and he was now standing, cleaning off his hands. "Ready to eat some dinner greenie?"

I smiled and nodded and we were walking towards the homestead when someone shouted, "watch out!" I looked over to see what was happening but Newt pulled me flush against him and we both fell to the ground.

"Are you okay greenie?" He asked me, sounding somewhat frantic as he leaned over me.

I gasped and sat up with his help. I smiled at him when my eyes met his. "Clara. My name is Clara."

He smiled brightly and pulled me to my feet. "A pretty name for a pretty girl."

My cheeks reddened and I smiled brighter feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Hey! Everyone alright down there?" A voice asked from the tree that nearly crushed me.

"Bloody hell Winston! What you doing up there?" Newt yelled back in reply, hand still gripping mine.

"Alby asked that I get more wood for the fire, I'm so sorry about that!" The boy was a deep tan but his dark hair and eyes made him look much darker. He started climbing down the tree and Newt shook his head in response.

"Well, be more careful next time."

Winston nodded apologetically to me before sticking his hand out. "I'm Winston, keeper of the slicers."

"Clara. And don't worry about it."

He smiled and looked at Newt. "At least I got her name back." He winked before striding off, the large limb dragging behind him.

Newt smirked and started pulling me towards the large group forming around the fire.

"Three days ago marked a special day! Since she couldn't join us then, we'll act like it happened today!" Alby was shouting when we approached. "Today then, we got our first girl!"

The crowd of gladers erupted in cheers and I felt my face heat.

Newt threw a smile over his shoulder at me and continued pushing us through the large, dense crowd. I felt a hand grab me but before I could react the hand was yanked away. "Keep your hands off of her!" Gally yelled at the boy who had touched me.

I smiled gratefully at him and he nodded slightly to me, a small smile forming on his lips. We reached the front of the crowd where Alby stood.

"She knows her name!" Newt told Alby with a smile.

Alby's eyebrow arched and he turned his grin to me. "Want to share with us?"

"Clara! My name is Clara!" I replied with a wide smile, all too knowing that my hand was still tightened around Newt's.

"Everyone listen up!" Alby shouted out, an arm going around my shoulder. "I want you all to meet our new greenie!"

Every glader there turned and the noise stopped. I could feel the heat in my cheeks again and was thankful the darkness might have helped conceal my blush.

"Clara!" Alby yelled out. There was a loud commotion as everyone cheered, clapped, and yelled. Alby grinned and forced a jar of amber liquid in my hand. "Drink up Clara, this is how we say welcome!"

My eyes widened slightly as I smelled the drink before bringing the jar to my lips. Newt hovered near me with excitement in his eyes. I took the first drink and could feel the liquid burn its way down the entirety of my body. I cringed and the group around me started laughing. "To Clara!" Alby yelled out.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now