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A/N: Hey everyone! I am happy to finally post this one. This is a long one. You will see Thomas in this one along with some happy and playful gladers so enjoy ;)

The next morning was calm and breezy as Minho, Newt and I waited for the door to open. Newt had helped strap my harness on while I focused on trying to wake up while we walked to the door.

"Are you sure you'll be able to wake up while you run love? You need to be observant while you're out there." Newt mumbled worriedly to me when we stopped in front of the door.

I smiled up at him lightly and nodded, not able to contain my yawn.

He arched an eyebrow and smirked before pulling me in for a hug. "Just be careful."

"I will. Don't worry about me so much, I'll be fine. This monkey won't let anything happen." I gestured towards Minho who rolled his eyes at my new nickname for him.

"Wrap up your goodbye pokey the doors'll open soon." Minho muttered in reply, returning his attention to the door.

Newt grinned and kissed my cheek lightly as the door started to open, before releasing me so I could do my job and run the maze.

We fell into a daily routine of Newt getting me up, going to the kitchen and harassing Fry Pan with me, waiting for the doors to open with Minho and I before we ran the maze, me pulling some kind of prank throughout the day on Minho and vice versa, eating dinner with Newt, Alby, Minho, Chuck, Winston, Zart, Gally, and Fry Pan, always sitting in between Newt and Minho across from Chuck, practicing defense techniques with Gally or playing with my machete with Newt, then sleeping...with Newt more often than not.

We never did anything but I usually slept in his hammock with him. We both decided that I would run the maze better if I was sleeping through the night and the only way that happened was in Newt's arms. After I woke up screaming from a dream several nights in a row, every time Newt would wake me and calm me down, Newt suggested I slept with him to see if that helped with the nightmares. I haven't had one since.

And every day when Minho and I returned Newt would be there to welcome us and join us in the map room. It's what I looked forward to every second I was in the maze.

Before I knew it I had been there a month and there was a new greenie there. It was impossible for Minho and I to know anything about the greenie until we got back to the glade after the day in the maze but when we made it Newt was there to greet us and take us to the map room so I had actually forgotten about the greenie.

"Newt, how's the greenie?" Minho asked him as we jogged to the map room.

He shrugged then nodded to where the boy stood with Chuck. "His name's Thomas."

I stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes met his. I knew this kid. Knew him, knew him.


I gasped when I heard his voice in my head. It was him, Thomas was the voice in my head. I knew it. Newt turned to look at me, his head tilted. "Clara? What's wrong love?" He glanced up at Thomas then back to me. "Do you know him?"

I nodded, maintaining eye contact with Thomas. "He's the one that's been talking to me." I whispered, finally looking at Newt.

His face paled as he turned towards Thomas.

About a week after the last time Thomas spoke to me in my head I finally broke down and told Newt about it. Thankfully he didn't think I was crazy nor was he mad at me for not telling him sooner. That was the same time I told Newt about my dream with Thomas in it along with the rat looking man, Jansen.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now