twenty eight

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Around three we all gathered in front of the maze door, all of our stuff packed and ready to go. Chuck hovered next to me nervously and I smiled down at him and took the large pole from him. "I'll carry this, you take this." I handed him a light bag I packed and he smiled, eagerly pulling it on.

"Alright, listen up shanks! We're running until we can't run any longer! Hopefully we can all make it to the cliff before we need a break. Anyone have anything else to add?" Minho yelled out to the group.

"Shouldn't someone give some kind of pep talk?" Newt asked, looking around.

"Be careful. Don't die." Minho said with a smirk.

Newt rolled his eyes. "Great, we're all bloody inspired."

"You guys suck at this!" I told them, going up and standing in between them to face the group of gladers.

"You all know why we have to leave. We can't wait another day or we'll lose more of you for no reason and we've already lost so many. We know the way out and we have to fight to get there, are you ready?" I yelled out.

A few gladers yelled back but not all.

I shook my head and rose my arms. "I said, are you ready?!" I screamed nearly at the top of my lungs.

"Yeahhhh!" The group yelled in unison.

I nodded my head and smiled. "That's what I thought! Let's go!"

We turned and ran into the maze. I dropped to the back with Thomas while Newt and Minho led us to the cliff and to our exit. I kept an eye on Chuck and Newt while we ran but noticed Minho kept glancing at Newt as well. I smiled to myself at seeing Minho be such a great friend to Newt. He always has been. Chuck ended up dropping back by Thomas and I as we neared the cliff, towards the end of the run.

"Clara, no matter what happens you have to promise me you'll get through the griever hole and make sure the code is entered." Thomas said right before we stopped by the cliff.

I glanced at him then my eyes found Newt's at the front of the group. "Teresa and Chuck are going through. I'm standing with you guys. I already told you that."

"Yeah, I know. Just make it through. That's all I'm asking. I don't care if you fight with us I'm just..." He sighed and shook his head. "I'm just asking that you make it through."

I heard the concern in his voice and looked up at him. "I will Tommy." I patted his arm lightly before pulling him to the front where Minho and Newt stood, Chuck following behind us.

After taking a look around the corner I gasped and sank back against the wall, my arm automatically pushing Chuck against the wall.

"Griever?" Newt asked quietly.

"Several." I replied just as quiet as to not alarm anyone.

All the gladers gathered around us nervously, anxiously waiting for us to tell them what to do.

"Teresa, you and Chuck will be the first to dive through the hole. Thomas and Minho tied ivy vines and threw them through the hole so you guys know where you have to jump through." Teresa nodded as I spoke and wrapped an arm around Chuck's shoulder. "Chuck, you stay with me." Teresa said with a small smile.

"Okay, everyone, you all know what waits around that corner and you know it won't be a pretty fight. We just have to hold the grievers off long enough to get Teresa and Chuck through the hole so they can enter in the code and get us out of here." I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear but quiet enough so the grievers around the corner didn't hear me.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now