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Clara's POV

The walls had moved. If they hadn't we would have been safe and sound inside the glade and Alby would have the serum he so desperately needed. And Tommy wouldn't be sitting beside me. In the maze. At night. No one had ever survived a night in the maze before.

I laid my head back on the maze wall I rested against still trying to regain my breath. We ran as fast as possible carrying Alby but it wasn't enough. If we had another minute we would have made it. The hard wall helped to cool me down as I tried desperately not to think about how critical our situation was.

We didn't have any supplies to make it through the night and after running all day I didn't see how we could last through the night too. My legs were already wobbly and cramping up after the long day and I couldn't imagine running for the next ten hours. The sudden feeling of defeat that coursed through me made me want to cry but I didn't want to waste the energy that would take. The only thing I held on to was that my last time seeing Newt couldn't be the last time. We had to survive this night somehow.

I slowly looked at Alby who lay unconscious against the wall across from us. Minho had to knock him out in order for us to get him back as the griever sting was already affecting him. I could see his heartbeat in his throat pounding so hard it looked like it might burst out. His skin shined with sweat, similarly to ours.

"What can we do?" Thomas whispered nervously.

"There's nothing we can do. We're all as good as dead." Minho replied with a defeated tone.

My eyes remained on Alby as I remembered what Thomas had said about Newt and I being able to talk telepathically.

Newt? If you can hear me know that I'm so sorry. Know that I'm going to make it back to you. And most importantly, know that I love you.

I pictured his face just like Thomas had told me but I got nothing in reply to let me know if he heard me or not. I wish I knew. I wish he could respond and I could let him know that I would see him in the morning. Even if I didn't believe it myself. The maze started coming to life around us and I slumped farther against the wall. This couldn't be it. It couldn't be.

"We have to hide Alby." I mumbled.

"That would be shucking useless. We're all dead anyway."

I cringed at the hostility in Minho's voice. His arm still touched my leg and I could feel him trembling.

"Are you serious? We have to at least try something!" Thomas nearly screamed at him.

Minho turned to him and let out a small laugh. "You guys can try. It's not worth it. We have to run or we'll be following in his path." He nodded to the unconscious Alby and chills went down my spine. Where was my Minho? Where was my keeper who had trained me and taught me everything I knew about the maze? Where was my best friend that I so desperately needed? I glanced at Thomas who looked as distraught as I felt. We wouldn't survive this night like this. Someone had to be the strong one here.

I climbed to my feet suddenly having renewed inspiration. "Let's hang him up in the vines, they might not be able to get him there."

Thomas looked up at me and at the ivy around us. He shrugged and stood to help me.

"You guys are just wasting your energy." Minho mumbled, glaring at the wall in front of us.

Thomas growled and pulled Minho to his feet by his shirt collar. "If you're not going to help us then leave! We don't need you saying stuff like that or we won't get out. Can't you see how much you aren't helping?"

Minho's eyes widened and he shoved Thomas off of him. "You don't get it! Take a look around greenie, we're not getting out of this thing alive! No one ever has! Good for you thinking you're special but it's not going to happen!"

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now