First Day

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You don't meet people by accident.
And nothing in life happens by coincidence
Now knowing this...
Start paying attention

I sat on the bus the first Monday morning of school with Will and Layla, watching them and their new friends worry about power placement...everyone but Zack that is.

Layla was my best friend, I don't know why we got along so well, no one did really, we were polar opposites, she was colorful and cheerful all the time, I...was not...

I stared out the window while everyone else screamed as the bus flew toward the school, rolling my eyes. "That was so cool!" Layla laughed as we hopped off. I nodded smiling slightly as we walked toward the school and were surrounded by a kid with super speed. Him and his friend introduced themselves as Lash and Speed and I already knew I didn't like them. I followed along with everyone else and stood in the front with my friends, watching kids show their powers. I felt really bad seeing all my friends going into the sidekick classes and I honestly didn't want to be alone, so I waited till coach Boomer got to me and I told him I didn't have a power, Layla and Will looked at me curiously but I just shrugged as Boomer screamed 'sidekick' at me, nearly shattering my eardrums. I groaned as my friends helped me up from the floor and walked to lunch with them.

We had just sat down for about 5 minutes before Will spoke up. "Is it just me, or is that guy staring at me?" We all looked over and as my eyes met his I felt my stomach gain butterflies and I became light headed. He stared at me as if I was the light in the darkness and the whole situation was really creeping me out.

"Dude, that's Warren Peace." Zack spoke and I looked at him abruptly.

"That's Warren Peace?!" Layla gasped just as Zack went into the story about him and his father.

"Zack, just lay off, leave him alone guys." I rolled my eyes getting up and throwing my tray away. I felt his eyes following me the whole way and I waved slightly before walking out. I sat in the hallway waiting for everyone to be done lunch. I sat reading Romeo and Juliet on a bench in the corner before I heard loud boots walking down the hall and glanced up to see the guy from the cafeteria. He looked just as shocked as I was but stopped and sat beside me on the bench. We didn't say a word, just sat in silence for a while, and it wasn't until our hands touched that I felt uncomfortable. The rush his touch sent through my body wasn't anything I had felt before and I felt scared by that. I grabbed my bag standing up quickly and shoving my book back inside just as the bell rang.

He looked hurt as I practically ran down the hallway and back into the gym. I phased in and out for the rest of the day and didn't really pay attention again until I got home. I had a sick pain in my stomach for the rest of the night, I skipped dinner and just went straight to bed.

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