Hair Problems

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As a new born natural you will try many methods, remedies, techniques and products; so naturally I tried using natural oils to try and make my hair healthier. All my hair products contained natural oils and I also bought the individual oils. After a week of using these items I noticed that my hair would easily become dry and could not stand even the slightest humid wheather. I continued using these products for a couple more weeks but the condition of my hair got even worst.

Naturally I became fustrated. I changed my entire hair care system producta. I went on to using sulfate shampoo and silicone conditioner (treseme). I noticed a huge difference in my hair almost instantly. My hair was softer, more manageable and retained moisture, however, I was using a hair oil containing mineral oil and sooner realized that whenever we used it my hair would get hard and dry.

I stopped using multiple natural products in my hair and only use 1 . I used the Cantu shea butter deep treatment masques as moisturizer instead of it true purpose. My hair has never been softer .

Using the hair typing chart system, I can honestly say that my hair feel like type 1, looks like 3c when styled and when humidity hits it appears like 4c , only curly when wet and bone straight when dried. I find that using less products actually work for me and my hair grows faster and is even healthier. I cacan never copy anyone regime and use it as my own because my hair will not coperate.

No two person's hair is the same you will have ups and lots of lots of down. You do not need a lot of products to make your natural hair grow or be healthy. Remember what works for me won't work for you. Take all the different advice you can get about hair care and see which one works for you but remember to create our own regime.


1. Protective styles not only help your hair grow but also helps it to retain moisture especially in humid areas. This works best with protective style that can be easily removed to apply moisture after 2 or 3 days.

2. Keep your hair moisturized!!!!!!!!!!. This will help prevent breakage, dryness, split ends and brittled hair.

3. Protein treatments and can be your best friend if you hair still feel dry or eaily get dry even after deep conditioning.however, Too much protein treatment can causse an protein overload and cause your hair to break. So I will become a protein treatment every month (minimum).

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