Week 1: Monday Pt. 1

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This meeting at work is early for a week day. I walk in to find everyone dressed in their work outfits, well everyone except Brandon, Bree, and I. Currently I'm wearing a new outfit I bought this weekend and it fits tighter than what I usually wear. I look around to see I'm the last to arrive, along with Bree, since she's my roommate. Everyone turns our direction as we walk towards them. I glance over at Bree, who's now tugging her cheer skirt down. My guess she's uncomfortable just like me.

"Are we late?" I ask Brandon. He looks at me and gulps, before answering, "No. We were about to start. You...you look nice." He then rakes his eyes up and down my body. I playfully push him and ask, "Brandon, has a girl finally got you to lose your train of thought?" I give him a smile, while he does the same and making his dimples show. He's beautiful.


I look away from him before I continue to think anymore thoughts about him.

"Okay looks like everyone is here, so I'd like to first address it's good news..." Mikey gets on a chair to say. "My grandfather has opened up..." he sees me and stares. There's a pause that I know everyone catches, Bree even nudges me softly with her elbow. Mikey clears his throat and continues to talk, "He's opened up another De Fruits De Mer! It's going to be in the more northern part of town and as the manager of this location and being a part of the family, I want to throw a celebratory party at the new location. Once it's opened of course." Cheers fill my ears, because the rumors were actually true, plus twenty something year old's love a free party. I laugh and cheer along.

Everyone else begins to get ready for their work when the restaurant opens for the day. "Ready to go?" Brandon asks while stepping in front of me and hinting at our first class together. I nod to him and take notice of his light blonde hair up in the front looking perfect as always, but still a little messy. "Bree!" I yell while turning around. We walk to our cars, then Bree finally joins us. "Breanna you took long enough," I joke with her. She rolls her eyes at me from the use of her actual name.

"Hey Mel. Uh. I can take you. I mean if you want?" I hear Brandon ask behind me. Bree's smile gets bigger which causes me to scrunch my nose at her and turn around to go to Brandon. "I'll catch you later!" she calls after me. Brandon is standing next to his 1970 mustang, holding the passenger door open for me. "Thank you fine gentleman," I say with a fancy manner. He bows and shuts the door for me, leaning down through the window he tells me in a perfect mimic of the accent, "Always for you, my lady." This causes to both break out into laughter.

Once Brandon starts the car, I turn my body towards him so I can talk to him. He's wearing a dark red shirt that hangs tight on him, revealing his muscle beneath. He looks over at me smiles. Those dimples.

Oh god.

He saw me staring. "Were you checking me out Melody?" he asks. I feel my cheeks flush and I look at my hands. He definitely caught me. I defend, "No." However, a small laugh escapes him before he tells me, "Yeah okay. I mean I would know when someone is. You have no idea how many times it happens, me being a bartender." His words set a reaction in me and I don't know why I'm so upset about them.

"Hey," he says which causes me to look up towards him. His face is now upset too. "I didn't mean anything of it. You know women hit on me, but I'm not the kind of guy that returns it to everyone. I'm not Beau," he reassures while reaching over and grabbing my hand. I laugh a little at the last sentence about Beau. "I know you're not Brandon. But hey, in Beau's defense he's been good lately. He likes a girl, which he refuses to tell me who she is or anything about her. He hasn't been with anyone for the last three months though. Besides Brandon, why would you even care what I thought of about you flirting?" I ask. Both of his hands are now on the steering wheel, making him seem really nervous by the way he's gripping it.

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