Week 6: Saturday

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By day three, I've been taking it one day at a time.

Wake up.

Take a shower.

Go to bed.

All while wearing a fake smile through Brandon's constant are you okay.

Today's my first day back at work and Beau's working. 

I know he is. 

Luckily so is Bree.

In the car ride to the restaurant, neither of us say anything for most of the time.

"Are you sure you'll be okay working today?" she finally asks once we're almost there. I take my eyes from the window to her and reply with one word, "Totally." Then we finally arrive, but before we get out Bree comments, "At least not all them will be here."

Turns out she jinxed me, because as soon as I see the floor plan all five of their names are listed. Of everything I was worried about tonight, none of it included dealing with all five guys at the same time. I mean the odds of all six of us being here, on the same shift, is very low. Yet, the one day I've been dreading the most it happens.

"I don't think Mike's seen you yet, want to make a break for it?" Bree asks. I look her way and answer honestly, "I need the money, besides what's the worst that can happen if I ignore them all?"

It's about half way through my shift and everything has been okay so far. I'm in the back waiting for more bread to come out. I saw that the new batch is almost done, so hopefully everyone doesn't come out of nowhere and try to get it too. I don't think I have the energy to fight my way. Which I would need to, because my tables have been asking for bread more than once now.

"Melody," my name is softly spoken behind me, but the Australian accent lets me know it's Beau. My blood turns cold and I don't turn around to look at him.

"Melody, please we need to talk. Why haven't you replied to my messages or calls? We need to talk this over, at least hear my out," he continues even though I stand my ground to not turn around. "I didn't have anything more to say to you," I state hoping he'll get the hint and just leave.

"Well I wasn't done. It took me a long time to realize my feelings for you and you must know they're genuine. I love you, please forgive me. It was my past and I want you to be my future," Beau confesses. His words cause my heart to sink and I try to concentrate on trying not to cry. 

Why won't he leave?

"Beau please, I don't have time for this," surprisingly I get out without crying. "How can you do it Mel? Huh? How can you throw everything we've had away? Do you think of me so less now? All because of my mistakes?" he asks sounding defeated at the end.

I find myself turning around to finally face him, he looks like a wreck. Before I can say anything someone beats me to it. "You've been with Beau for how long?" I don't need to see Bash to know he's the one that threw those words at me.

Everything I never wanted to happen seems to be falling in place.

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