Week 1: Saturday

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I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning. Last night, Bree was already in her room by the time I went back upstairs, so I didn't get the chance to talk with her. However, I know I have to get ready for my date with Derek, so hopefully Bree is nowhere in sight. Yes, I know eventually we'll have to talk and work things through, but I'd rather enjoy my time with Derek today. I quietly get out of bed and crack the door to listen to see if she's out and about in the apartment. Once I'm met with silence, I open my door all the way and walk out towards the bathroom to get ready.

When noon roles around I'm dressed ready to go racing. I'm excited, unfortunately I'm very competitive so I do plan to crush Derek with all means even if he's my date. I hope I don't bruise his ego in the process, him being Mr. Bad-boy and all. I walk out the front door and take two steps to knock on his door. It swings open and I find Derek standing there with a smirk. "You know it's usually the guy picking up the girl," he tells me while stepping out. I shrug and comment, "Thought I'd save you the trip." He gives me a grin and teases, "The whole two steps? You shouldn't have."

We walk downstairs and realization that he only has a motorcycle sinks in. "Do you want to take my car, perhaps?" I ask as we reach the parking lot. The look he gives me already tells me he doesn't plan to. "Do you trust me?" he asks as we're standing in front of his bike. I look from the bike to him to the bike again. I notice that he does have two helmets, so there will at least be safety. Except, I can't get over my anxiety of never been on a motorcycle before. "I trust you, but..." I finally reply, but he interrupts me with, "If you truly trust me there is no exception. It's your first time, right? I'll make sure nothing will happen. I'll stick to the legal stuff." I smile at him for trying to make me feel better.

"Thank you and you're right. Let's do this," I say with a little more confidence. He gives me a smirk right before handing over the gray helmet. I look back over at him and ask, "Is the pink one yours?" He's already on the bike, so he turns my direction as he puts on the pink helmet and replies, "You know it." Then he gives me a wink. I let out a laugh and get on behind him.

"Hold on tight by wrapping your arms around my waist," Derek explains. I do what he says, though my face is now close to his back. I lay my head against him and I can feel him go stiff for a second, so I sit back up and loosen my grip. He turns back towards me and I catch sight of his green eyes. 

Beautiful as always.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to let go, you were fine. I'm just not used to having someone else on here with me. Nor can I believe that person is you," Derek confesses. I raise my eyebrow at him and question, "Meaning that I'd never ride a motorcycle?" He smiles at me and replies truthfully, "No Melody, meaning I still can't believe I'm here with you. That it's you I'm taking on a date finally." I blush at his words and bury my face against him again. "I can't believe it either," I whisper.

Derek finally starts the bike and I find myself tightening my grip a little more as it happens. He screeches off and I feel like my stomach will flip as a scream escapes my lips. I hear him laughing as we reach a stop to turn onto the road. I release one of my hands and smack him. He keeps laughing as he tells me, "Let's not hit the person driving." This makes me think of the times he always tickles me in the car, especially when I'm driving. "Maybe you should take your own advice," I tease before we start to make our way onto the street. I don't know if he said anything or if he just shook his head, but I can imagine him smiling right now.

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