Week 1: Friday

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I'm walking to my last class of the day before softball practice, when I hear someone calling my name. I look around and finally find a familiar face, Derek. "Hey, I didn't think you heard me there," he says once he's standing in front of me. He's holding his bike helmet and wearing the biggest smile. "So just wondering if you'd like to go out tomorrow? I saw that you're off," he asks me while keeping the smile. I end up smiling back and reply, "I'd love to Derek. Where to?" If possible, his smile gets bigger. "I thought we could do go-carting?" he asks.

I quickly reply with, "Yes! Oh my sweet goodness yes!" He laughs and comments, "I have to warn you, I'm pretty good." I laugh along and tell him, "Fair. Then I must warn you, I'll still beat you." He steps closer and says, "I guess we'll see Mel." He gives me a wink, then kisses my cheek before turning around to leave. Before Derek's too far away, he turns around and yells, "See you tomorrow beautiful!" I laugh and wave as I see him get on his bike. Might I add he looks hot on it, with his leather jacket making him look even sexier.

Softball practice starts, and I go on the field. "Alright listen up, I know we haven't lost a game yet, but what have I always told you about winning?" I ask the team in a pre-practice talk, since I'm the team captain. Jen, our third basemen, speaks up, "Don't let it go to your head." I smile at the correct statement. "Correct Jen, well that's all I have so let's do it ladies. Get going on warming up and line up like usual!" I yell.

Some of the girls are looking up at the stands and loudly talking among themselves, "He's so hot. I've never seen him here before." Then another comments, "Yeah I wouldn't mind letting him get a home run." They start to laugh, and I end up rolling my eyes at them while looking up to see lots of people on the stands. Now I'm kind of curious about who they were talking about. "Hey Chelsea, couldn't help but overhear. Which one is he? Does he have a nice butt?" I finally ask. Chelsea laughs and answers, "Melody you're sounding thirsty there, but he's the one in the white sleeveless shirt that clings to his, might I add, nice abs. The blonde on the right side of the stands."

I turn around and search for the mystery man matching their description. Brandon. I blink a couple of times and my mouth ends up dropping. Yep, it's Brandon. My Brandon. Our date's tonight, probably why he's here. "Captain, oh Captain, you're drooling," I hear Bailey comment with a laugh, which Chelsea joins in. I turn to towards the two of them and scrunch my nose while saying, "I know him. I'm going out with him tonight. We're sort of dating." This time it's their mouths that open in surprise. "I didn't know, you know I was just joking about getting in his pants, right?" Chelsea asks. I laugh and reassure, "Don't apologize, he's hot."

After practice, I gather my equipment and begin to walk off the field. As I'm walking towards the gate I find Brandon leaning against the fence. I gulp and walk towards his direction. "You're amazing out there. No pitcher has a chance against you. Making those balls fly, I'd like to see it for the real thing," he tells me. I gasp and playfully smack him. He laughs and comments, "Get your mind out of the gutter, love."

I smile at the nickname of love. "Sorry Brandon, I get it now, like in a real game not practice," I say with a laugh. He pulls me in for a hug and gives me a kiss on the forehead. "I'm all sweaty and gross," I mutter while my face is on his chest. He laughs and tells me, "Not as bad as me after the gym in the mornings." We start walking towards the parking lot and he asks, "Ready to go roller blading?" I look at him like he's crazy. "What?" he asks.

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