Week 3: Sunday

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There's a soft knock on my bedroom door as I place the last pin in my hair. "It's open," I call. The door cracks open and I see Bree's face appear in the opening. "It's the big day today?" she asks as she walks in my room. I nod as I grab my makeup to add some touch-ups. "I don't look too nervous right?" I question while pausing to actually look at Bree. Her eyes go wide and reassures me, "No. Of course not." However, I know her enough to know she's lying to me.

"Thanks Bree," I tell her while getting up from my seat. "Don't think about it Mel. His family already loves you, so just be you," she tries again to motivate me. I smile at her and pat her shoulder once before walking over to where my shoes are. "Do you want me to call you in a couple of hours as an escape route?" Bree adds. I can't help but stop and laugh. "Don't do that, especially if by chance it's during the service," I reply. She cracks me a smile the same time I hear a knock on the front door. "So, it begins," I hear her mutter under her breath. Bree can be dramatic sometimes.

The car ride to church is silent, literally we haven't said a word since we got in the car. As Mike parks the car, I go to get out until I feel his hand grab mine. "Mel," he softly says my name. I stop my hand from pulling on the handle to open the door and look at him. "Why did you really agree to come today?" he asks once I've turned towards him. I can't help but take a big gulp in my throat.

"Mike, what do you mean?" I ask in hope that he's talking about something else. "There it is," the words slip out of his mouth within seconds and I'm left confused. "You didn't call me Mikey, which means something is wrong. Most of time it's something negative," he adds as I'm sure he saw my eyebrows furrow in confusion. The fact that something small as what I call him, he can tell what mood I'm in surprises me every time as how well he knows me

"That's not true," I try to reassure him. He shakes his head and gives me a small smile before informing, "You're lying, but I guess whatever reason you came here is strong enough you don't want to tell me. Should we get going then?"

As I see his family come into view in front of the church, Mikey grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze. I wrap my fingers around his, to be honest no matter how nervous I am about this, it feels better with Mikey's hand entwined with mine. Once his mom catches a sight of us a huge smile reaches her face and she calls our names, "Michael! Melody!"

The others are now staring at us and the confidence I had with his hand holding mine is wiped away the moment all their eyes turn towards us and our connected hands. I go to pull my hand away, but I feel Mikey's grip tighten before I get the chance to. I know he's only trying to make me stronger, but my nerves are going haywire.

We're now face to face with his mom, dad, sister, two brothers, and grandparents. It always amazes me how all of them have the same light blue eyes, except his mom. She has brown eyes like me. "It's so good to see you again sweetie," his mom, Susan, addresses me first and pulls me in for a hug so quick my hand is pulled out of Mikey's.

"Suzie for goodness sake it is like you haven't seen her in over 10 years. Melody please don't mind her, but we are glad to see you here, considering things," David, his father, speaks up. Susan releases me and looks over at her husband before defending herself, "Am I not allowed to be happy that they're finally together?" I swear my eyes will fall out, what exactly did Mikey tell his family?

"Mom," Mikey's voice sternly says. He looks my way momentarily with an apologetic expression, before turning back towards his mom. "Yes. Yes, I'm sorry. I know you told me you're not together, but rather exploring what's there," Susan comments.

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