Week 1: Wednesday

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It's my turn to drive the both of Bree and I to school. Which I told her about the date on the way to school. "Was he a good kisser?" Bree asks me while getting out of the car. "Bree you know I don't kiss and tell," I reply while smiling at her. "Mhmm yeah," she comments while returning the smile. She still has this sadness to her, but I know she doesn't want to talk about it. I reach my first class and tell her bye. Brandon's sitting in his normal seat, which I go to sit next to him. "Hey," he greets with a smile.

Those dimples.

"Hi Brandon," I say before our teacher comes in the room. I feel him place his hand on my thigh and I think to brush it off, but something in me says it feels right.

After class, Brandon grabs my hand and we walk to my next class. "So I was wondering if you'd like to go roller blading with me this Friday? I'm off and I know you don't work Friday's because of softball practice," he asks me once we've walked for a little bit. Before I get the chance to say anything he adds, "I only ask, because you told me once you didn't really know how to. Since I have four older sisters, I was kind of forced to roller blade when I was little." He smiles at me.

Damn those dimples.

I laugh and finally reply, "I bet you were adorable when you were little, but sure it sounds fine. I mean only if you promise to not let go of me unless I ask you to." He laughs before telling me, "I promise."

After school I meet Bree in the parking lot. "Drive my car back, but please don't do anything reckless," I tell her while reaching in my bag for the keys. "Who me?" she playfully asks. I hand over the keys while sternly saying, "I mean it Breanna." She rolls her eyes and take the keys. Once I see her drive off, I begin to second guess her taking my car. However, I get a text to distract me from my worries.

Beau: I have to grab a couple of things. Meet me by my car?

Me: I can walk towards your class. It's okay.

I start to walk towards the direction of his last class, honestly I don't know where his car is parked so I wouldn't even know where to look. So going to him seemed like the best option.

I'm almost to his class and I still haven't seen him yet. I try calling him, but I get his voicemail. As I turn a corner I see a group of people huddled around something. Then I hear his Australian accent, "Leave me alone. I actually have to go somewhere." Then another voice accompanies his, "In a hurry to meet one of your sluts?" I try to get through some of the people, but some just won't budge. Beau's voice rises, "She's not a slut! Don't ever call her that!" I stop for a second, because I realize I'm the one he's meeting. I would be thankful that he's defending me, but by the time I can see through the crowd the other guy yells, "SLUT!"

In seconds I see Beau punch the guy right in the face. The crowd goes wild. "Beau!" I yell. I notice the other guy lying on the ground not moving. Realizing Beau didn't hear me, I slowly creep towards him. "Don't even try to get up Trevor," Beau spits at the so called Trevor on the ground. I'm happy to see that Beau didn't knock the guy out cold, but Beau's voice is very threatening. A side of him I've never seen. "Beau," I softly say while touching his arm. He goes stiff under my touch and turns around. "Mel. Shit. Let's go, okay?" he says with concern now on his face. Then he grabs my hand and walks out of the crowd.

"I have to stop by the coffee shop, is that okay?" Beau asks me once we're far away from the commotion. "Yeah that's fine. Beau....do you want to talk about what just happened?" I reply with. He pulls me off to the side, where there's nobody around. "So in my class we took an exam today and Trevor, that guy, had asked me to let him cheat off of me. I mean I've let him before for projects this year. It's our last year, you know? But anyway I refused him on this, so after class he took his failure out on me," Beau confesses with slight anger still in his voice. Next thing I know, I put my hands on his face and kiss him.

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