Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

-No One’s POV-

Flash Back - September 13, 1993

”Bobby!  It is time!” A young woman wailed.  Her young son, Greg, was still sleeping in his little bed, unaware of the events happening.

“Maura, are ya sure?  Remember the last time-“ He was cut off by her silent glare, giving him the shivers. “OK, OK!” He said putting his hands up in defense, his Irish accent thickening.  “Never argue with a pregnant lady!”  In return to his mark, he received a smile on his wife’s face.

“Yer right!  Now, we need to go get Greg up so that we can go.” Maura stated, her voice becoming labored.

“By ‘we’ you mean ‘me’ right?” He chuckled, then dodged the shoe thrown towards his head.  “I’m a going!” He smiled to himself as he went to go wake his four year old son up.

“Dad, is mum having her baby?” Greg asked sleepily, eyes filled with delight at the thought of his little brother or sister finally coming to his world.

“Aye, lad, she is.  But we must go, or yer mum will have a fit! But shh! Don’t tell her I said that! It would only upset her further aye?”

“Aye dad.” The young boy nodded, mimicking his dad’s thick accent.  The young man smiled at his son and gathered him in his arms.


“Well, lad, what are ya hoping fer? A brother or a sister?” The doctor smiled down at the young boy, hugging his father’s leg.  A look of concentration came upon his young features, as he scrunched up his face in thought.

“A boy! ‘Cause girls are boring!”  The doctor laughed at his response, and looked up to the young couple.

“Are ye sure you don’t want to know what yer having?” The doctor responded.

“Aye!  We will know in no time!” Maura stated, her patience wavering.

“Aye, true enough!  Let’s get you into the room then, ya?” The doctor motioned for a young nurse to take Maura in, and the doctor took the Greg into a play area where another nurse was.

“Now laddy, you stay here with this kind nurse. He will teach ya how t’play with this Lego.”

“But I already know how t’play with Lego!” The young boy said, pride beaming on his face.

“Well in that case lad,” the nurse stated, “you’ll havta teach me the way!  My name is Marcus, what is yers?”  The doctor left them to themselves to get to know each other.  Meanwhile, Maura and Bobby were in the hospital room, waiting.

“Maura, what would ya do if we had twins in that big stomach of yers?” Bobby asked, eyes sparkling.

“I don’t know!  We’d have t’buy another crib, and more clothes!  How could we possibly manage that?!” She responded, smiling.  They kept on with the banter, and if you didn’t know them, you would think that the prospect of another child horrified them…which is exactly what the young nurse that accompanied them thought.

“If they don’t want another child, and they do indeed have twins, I could take the other child, and sell it for an adoption.  But how would I?  She would certainly feel two children being brought forth from her body, not just one.”  As the nurse schemed, the doctor entered the room, signalling that they were ready to begin the birthing procedure.

“Well Greg!  Ye certainly know yer way with the Lego!” Marcus stated.  Greg smiled in return, and continued to teach him how to build the same, three piece Lego house.  Two pieces at the bottom, and one at the top, connecting all the pieces together.  Marcus smiled.  For the past two hours, they had been building many of these small pieces.  Greg was convinced that having hundreds of them all over the playroom would delight the other children if and when they came in whilst their parents were in the birthing room.

“Marcus, is yer mummy and daddy in there too? Are they having a wee baby like mine?” Greg asked, curiosity filling his eyes.

Marcus laughed and assured the lad that no, his parents weren’t in there, but that Greg’s would be out soon.

“Maura, because you’re labor is being very difficult, we’re going t’have t’proceed with the emergency C-Section.  But I must warn you, you may not be able t’have children after this.  We talked about that, remember?”

“Aye, doctor, I remember.” Maura said, then looked over to her husband.  They conversed silently between their eyes, and finally turned back to the doctor.

“Doctor, we are willing to risk that I may not be able t’have children after.  As long as this baby is safe.”

“Alright, if yer sure, we’re going to have t’ask Mr. Horan t’leave.”

“Aye, it’s alright!  I’ll go see how our son is doing out there” He said, kissing Maura sweetly.  “I’ll be back to see me wee son or daughter!” With a smile, he left.

“This is my chance.” The young nurse thought. “All I’ll need to do is to get the doctor to leave, and then I’ll be able to take the second baby…if there even is one.”

As the procedure progressed, it was clear – Maura indeed did have twins.

“Now is me chance!”

“Mr. Horan?  Your wife is ready for you!” A nurse came and said.

“Ya hear that son?!  Yer baby brother or sister is here!” He said with a smile, taking Greg into his arms.   As they walked to the room with joy, however, they had no idea that their precious baby girl was being put in harm’s way.  As they welcomed in their son, and named him Niall James Horan, they had no idea that their baby girl was going to be transferred out, nameless.  As they welcomed their son with warm kisses and gentle touches, they had no idea that their baby girl would be treated with harsh care until reaching another’s arms.  They had no idea.

If only they had known…if only.

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